Sunday, November 9, 2008

Which one freeze more often ps3 or xbox360?

May be...
  • my friend told me that ps3 freeze alot

    and my other friend told me that he got a ring of something

    so im not sure which one has a better compatibility.
  • PS3 does freeze then again so does the Xbox, but the ps3 freezes maybe 1/50 times you turn it on and all you need to do is restart it, but the xbox can't be left on forever so turn it off if you're going somewhere for maybe 20minutes to let it cool down,

    the red rings of death which ar eon the Xbox is usually when something goes wrong because it overheated badly, or somehting is not going right, if this ever happens to you SHUT IT OFF IMMIEDITLY, and ship it in to get it fixed their have been cases of the xbox blowing up when all 3 rings are lit .

    Basiclly Xbox360 for online gameing and community, ps3 for single player, and multimedia.
  • The PS3 has a 0.07% chance of failure.

    The Xbox 360 has between a 10% and 33% chance of failure depending on which model you get. The cheaper the model, the more likely it is to die.

    PS3 has way less problems then the 360.
  • the ps3 has a breaking capability of 0.07 (that means how much it breaks) the xbox 360 has a 33.3 breaking capacity...thats a BIG difference
  • x-box360 because the ps3 is newer so they put more stuff for it not to breakdown or easyly freeze.
  • ps3s may freeze but its a great system,but 360 freeze and you turn it off turn it back on,there RROD
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