Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who owns a ps3 and xbox360 what are the differences in the graphics?

May be...
  • Alright, I see fanboys here. I own both, so here's my unbiased review.

    PS3 exclusives- amazing graphics

    360 exclusives- very good graphics

    multiplatform games- 360 wins. It is MUCH more hard to code for the PS3 than the 360, so the 360 gets the better one here. Also, some engines don't work as well on the PS3. I've heard Bioshock's Unreal Engine doesn't work too well with the PS3.

    Give it some time for developers to mess around with the PS3 and tap into its power and it will improve immensely someday!
  • OMG! this is an eazy question..

    PS3:has BLue-ray which unleashes the best graphics you'll ever find around

    Xbox 360: HDMI which only gives you graphics that are good,yet not as good as the PS3.

    PS3 is a hi-tech powerful machine that is silent and has a whole lot of memory

    Xbox 360 has a 34% chance of gettin RROD,overheats,and one loud *** fan !
  • All the PS3 colors are natural, while the 360 adds more of artificial colors, maybe that's why it's more appealing to the eyes. I say PS3, and also the PS3 has a very high potential in the future because of its untapped resources developers have not quite discovered yet.
  • Dont let ******* ps3 people who think they no it all....

    ps3/Xbox has same graphics,

    Id look in what u wannah pay, plus what games u like like if ur a haloer then get ps3 if u get a ps3 think of the games they got out.

    ps3 and 360 are both wonderful systems
  • If someone likes the PS3 they are going to say the PS3 without any reason. Same with 360 lovers.

    But I personally think PS3 has better graphics because it has an HDMI AND Blue-ray.... X-box 360 only has the HDMI.

    So PS3 wins this..
  • PS3 is MUCH better graphics wise in most games, they basically use the same graphics interface but XBOX makes more cartoony games.
  • Don't let the Xbox fanboys deceive you , The PS3 is a much more powerful machine

    It's like comparing a Porterhouse steak with a slice of bologna
  • well suppoedly 360s are beter right now but the ps3 has a more powerful machine, they have comparison videos on
  • I own a xbox 360

    the Graphics are good on both, and if you have a HD tv its even better

    but it really depends on what xbox360 you meen

    elite is better than ps3 in my opinion
  • oh well i know this one........................................ the 360 does =)
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