Monday, December 15, 2008

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue?

May be...
  • Looking for some help with this game. I'm getting it for my older brother for christmas. He played GT4 to death and loved it - knows every track by heart and knows how to handle each car. What a loser ;) haha anyway...I bought GT5 Prologue for him but I'm considering returning it. Is it best to wait for the real deal rather then a demo??? It's already 9 days until Christmas. I'm worried about not getting something in time if I do return it. For those who own it, was it good? Long enough to keep him occupied until the proper is out? Worth the purchase? Should I wait? Needing some advice. Thanks!
  • NO!

    The game is brilliant!

    It's worth every cent(all $50 of it).


    It had the best graphics for PS3 since 2007 and still does.

    Has the worlds best cars.

    And tracks.

    It has some good(if not great) Online play.

    Every 3 months or so,Polyphony Digital releases booster packs for it.

    Some had included more cars,tracks,music,tweaks in menus,GTTV(GranTurismoTV),car handling etc.

    It is also said that GT5:P can run 4 times HD at 240 frames per second(that's better than real life!).

    Plus its getting damage modeling and stuff.

    Your brother will be happy with this game,even if it isn't full.

    (Plus,theer's a chance that P.Digital will give a discounted Gran Turismo 5(full version) if you have proof of purchase of GT5:P)

    When it releases in 2010.
  • I have the game, and I think it's a great game, but it feels kind of empty because you're not getting the entire game.

    You don't get as many cars or tracks as you would expect from a GT game. GT has always been known for having a lot of cars and a decent amount of tracks.

    No idea when GT 5 is going to be released, but it's probably not going to last him until GT 5 comes out.
  • the gameplay is just about the same, and the graphics are awesome, but it is tiny compared to the others, and feels very incomplete.

    EDIT: and by tiny i mean less content; cars, tracks, etc
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