Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How bad is Oblivion and Fallout 3?

May be...
  • I'm wanting to get them, but my parents might not let me.

    They don't mind me playing Resistance 2 at all.
  • Fallout is a Solid M. it has decapitations, limb dismemberment, and bodies strung from ceilings, if you aren't messed up in the head i would strongly recommend Fallout though. the beautiful graphics are awesome, and it is solid game-play and it keeps the player occupied for hours on end. Oh, and it says the f-word every time a Raider comes on screen. =]


    Oblivion was Originally rated T. so throw that one at your parents. they decided to change it to M because there was some nudity, (bras, underwear) and there was gore (but no dismemberment.)


    if you can only get one, get Oblivion. its an awesome choice, but just because its set in medieval magic times isn't the reason i would recommend it.

    Fallout 3's ending sucks. it does not continue on after you beat it. you beat the game, get some crappy screen-shots and some words, but nothing carrying on. no oblivion factor.

    Oblivion factor? oblivion, once you beat the game, you can explore and do side quests forever after you beat it.

    so are they bad? well, fallout 3 is. but there is no reason your parents shouldn't get you Oblivion, it is a massive game with loads of fun, but if you aren't pron to going out and having a real life killing spree just because of a game, You should be fine with fallout 3 too.

    have a good day/night wherever you are haha.
  • Ok im 14 and just got fallout 3 I was 12 and 13 when i played oblivion and my parents are pretty strict. I can't even go to a website without getting it approved(content advisor). Well there is almost nothing bad. Except for the cussing in dialouge and battle but besides that it's a good game and you should be allowed to play them.
  • Well they are both excellent titles. Also Oblivion is Medieval World with you know, guilds, magic, wizardry, warriors, mages, rangers, quests, potions and pretty much more. Oblivion is not bad as Fallout 3. Oblivion has blood in it though and some parts may freak you out but nothing to get too spooked about.

    Even Fallout 3 there is nothing scary in that game. I've seen it in action. I would definately play it. Getting Fallout 3 may be a good and bad desicion. Some people think Oblivion is better than Fallout 3. I also had someone tell me that Fallout 3 is just Oblivion with guns. Oblivion also does have a lot of replay value and like Big Boss is crazy about it Im thinking about getting it too. Im not getting Fallout 3 because I can get the same type of game but better for $30.

    So Oblivion is the answer. I might get it too. ANSWER MY QUESTION PLZ!! I NEED HELP!!!
  • Fallout 3 is pretty gorey, I mean heads being blown off while blood is flying everywhere. Limbs being cut off. They're both M games.
  • Oblivion isn't too bad, but I heard that Fallout 3 has some pretty serious stuff in it. I would stay away from it until your older
  • I just turned 6 years old and Oblivion & Fallout 3 are childs play to me.
  • i will tell you right now they probably won't let you get Fallout 3 so get Oblivion
  • i don't think Oblivion is THAT bad...however Fallout might be a lil bit more bloody and gory..
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