Friday, December 19, 2008

Will this keyboard work with my PS3...?

May be...
  • I have this keyboard (extra for some reason) and I have the thing that plugs into the usb, and the keyboard, I was wondering if it would work with my PS3?
  • 99% of USB keyboards whether wired or wireless will work.

    and 90% of Bluetooth keyboards ( the Apple one is meant to be pretty good, though expensive) will work too.

    Hardly any keyboard's have a "Works with PS3" so don't work off that, and in any case these keyboard's will charge you more even though any will do.
  • The only way to know for sure is to look on the box to see if it is PS3 compatible. Lots of bluetooth keyboards will have this on the box. You can also shoot the manufacturer an email.
  • any wireless keyboard and mouse should work with a ps3 you just have to plug the usb receivers into your ps3 and it should work
  • It it is usb or bluetooth than it will be compatible with your PS3.
  • Give it a shot, mine works.
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