Thursday, January 1, 2009

Are you going to buy inFamous?

May be...
  • After God of War 3, this is one of my most-wanted PS3 games
  • Absolutely!! That game looks incredible!!

    Sony Playstation still has the best exclusives. 2008 was awesome (MGS4, LBP, R2, GT5P, etc.) and 2009 looks just as good with Infamous, Killzone 2, GT5, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, etc. slated for this year.
  • Not really, don't get me wrong it looks amazing but, I'm more interested in other games.

    My Priority List:

    1. Final Fantasy Versus 13

    2. Final Fantasy 13

    3. Killzone 2

    4. God of War 3

    5. inFamous

    ^ Games I must have. Might get it 1 at a time if I have the money.
  • Maybe if its great. I'll wait for reviews. I hope it does not end up like Socom: Confrontation. I really hope they improve because it looks like this game is going to be bad. I dont know why I just have the feeling inside.

    I have it on my wish list though.
  • Definitely, it's my 2nd most-wanted game of 2009.

    1st is Killzone 2.
  • No
  • yeah first day of release
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