Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Does Gamestop buy ps2 with bad lens?

May be...
  • I bought a ps2 from a pawn shop and 2 weeks later my daughter knocked it over and it fell. It reads disc error if you put a game in. Will Gamestop buy it with a bad lens?
  • A Long time ago, I had a Ps2 Fat verison, and It was so broken, like pieces of it were falling off, I took to EB Games, and Sold it for 20 bucks, lol, but um The Ebay thing works the best, you`ll get more money for as well, people love buying broken stuff like that for parts.

    I think Gamestop Tests the product before they buy from you this is regard All Consoles that is.
  • no what will happen is if you attempt to bring in ur ps2, the gamestop ppl will always wanna test it out to see if it has any defects on it before they put it on sale. I had a ps2 and the disk tray button was messed up, i tired selling it but the guy was like i couldnt cause it was a defecitve console.
  • No, they won't.

    Gamestop will test multiple games and movies in the system to make sure it has no problems reading discs. If it continuously gets a disc read error, they will not buy it.
  • They will not buy back a non-working machine. You might be able to sell it on eBay as long as you are very clear that it is broken. Some people buy them for parts.
  • No,Gamestop will only buy systems that work. If they do you will not get much money i only got 15 dollars for my gamecube.

    Its usually me who buys these things thinking they work and get it home and its junk... come on man dont screw me!!!
  • Don't tell them it has a bad lens and nobody will ever know...
  • the ones around here won't anymore, but idk if yours is the same.
  • they probaly will... but they get ur information(where u live..fone numbeer stuff lyke dat) dey mite call u lata on in life but... u can try if u want
  • you are correct in saying this!!
  • i think so but you won't get 30$ for it
  • I think so.. you should call them... they will tell u for sure.
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