Friday, January 2, 2009

Is PlayStation 4 out yet?

May be...
  • Just wondering.
  • it havent came out yet. that someone is lying. ps3 is just 2 yrs old. and now there's the economy crisis, sony wont take the risk spending millions or billions to make a new console.
  • No, every playstation model has a life expectany on shelves for about 10 years. So don't expect a PS4 untill 2016.

    So the only PlayStation game consoles on shelves right now are the PS2 and PS3. But the PS2 is slowly coming to an end.
  • japan is developing it but i don't know if it is out over there the only way he could have one is if he ordered it from over there...
  • HAHA you silly girls dont know anything about electronics
  • no, and it aint going to be out for a long time, the ps3 just came out 2 years ago
  • I had a dream about it last week. it was out in that dream.
  • No, the PS3 is and I'm sorry but that's a stupid question
  • yeah its not out yet
  • NO!?!?!?!
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