Thursday, January 1, 2009

My xbox360 isnt working. it has a red light?

May be...
  • When i put my xbox 360 on it flashes red around the on button

    you know. were your supposed to see the green lights that show how many people are playing?

    i want to make sure is there anyway we can fix this, insted of simply buing a new one?
  • That my friend is called the Red Ring of Death, that's not good most likely you'll have to bring it back to Microsoft who will fix that one or give you a new one. The main reason you got Red Ring of Death was because of heating, presumably your 360 isn't in a place where it's releasing all its air, such as tight spaces or spaces that have a wall behind preventing from heat to completely come out. Easiest thing is to let it cool off by putting a cool towel underneath it that's dried. Try to put it in an open space.
  • Don't worry you are covered. It's the infamous Red Ring of Death. Call Microsoft support and they will send you a box. Follow their instructions ship it to them and in a couple weeks or so they'll send one back to you. Free of Charge.
  • You broke it lol.

    Call Microsoft and ask them if they can fix it. Check if you have warranty first though.

    I think it's something like: 1-800-My-Xbox

    ^ not correct but something like that.
  • I know this sounds but it will work, take your Xbox 360 and squeeze either side of the plates pretty hard, but don't break it, should be fixed now, happens again just repeat mate.
  • either it is off or it is out of battery okay hhhhhhh
  • You broke it hahah
  • thats what you get for not getting a ps3
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