Thursday, January 29, 2009

PS3 Users, Do You Think Killzone 2 Will Be Bigger Than MGS4?

May be...
  • it got #2 Most Ordered on Amazon





    360 magazine said it was better than gears of war 2

    (thats some good anti-fanboyism)

    i cant wait for this game =D
  • Yes cause MGS4 was based to cater guys who knew the entire series.

    I played MGS4 without playing any previous titles and couldn't understand a thing. And as much as I liked the cut scenes first, after sometime, it became frustrating to a point where even skipping the scenes became a chore.

    K2 is meant for everyone who loves FPS accompanied with great graphics(Crysis). IGN, NG4 and various other sites who have previewed the game have given a thumbs up. I just can't wait for this game.

    By the way don't ever even look for a PS3 exclusive review from the 360 mag. Those Xbots will always fall back on their age old slogan 'Halo is better' if K2 turns out to be the best FPS. Check out below link for more reviews on K2(check the scores).
  • I have never played a Killzone game before but I am a fan of the MGS series, so I really cannot answer that question yet. I'm going to give KZ2 a shot but for now, I'm going to say MGS4 is bigger.
  • MGS4 was a big disappointment for me. Killzone is promising though but I think it has gone too much futuristic which I hated about the MGS4.
  • me too so close to release and i know it will be the best game of all time
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