Sunday, January 25, 2009

What are the pros and cons of the PS3?

May be...
  • I had an Xbox 360 till the red lights of death took over. I am not going to invest in another Microsoft system because of the disappointment. I don't really like the Wii so I'm probably going to get a PS3.

    I read mixed reviews about this system. Mostly criticized for the dim game selection, and that the system does not use its full potential. Is this a system that you think will excel and eventually take over the gaming industry or is it the biggest flop of all time?

    (also does it play DVDs or just Blu-Rays)
  • Pros:

    -Typically comes with larger HDDs, which even then are simple and easy to upgrade, not to mention doing so doesn't void warranty (if for some reason you need ridiculous amounts of space. Some people do, but I understand it doesn't appeal to the masses)

    -Free Online Play (Despite being free, it's quite stable)

    -Blu-Ray Player (plays DVDs and most .avi files as well)

    -Wi-Fi adapter built-in

    -Rechargeable Controllers out of box

    -Decent library after a two-year buildup

    -Hideo Kojima's current exclusivity (MGS, ZotE, etc)

    -PSN has a very nice collection over the years, with Pixeljunk [developers] being among my favorite. Arcade doesn't at all have a worse collection, but the PSN is decent nowadays to where it's still worth mentioning that you have something to substitute Arcade with.


    -Online play options aren't as robust as Live, including....

    -No cross-game chatting, yet. You get the option to send texts via virtual keyboard, but it's difficult to find people willing to use it.

    -*Slightly* smaller gaming library

    -Because there's no unified online gaming network, the difficulty in joining a friend's online game varies from title to title.

    -Wish it had Castle Crashers (though at least I have Pixeljunk :))

    Neutral Zone:

    -Six-Axis functionality (while rarely ever used *well*, at least it's not a con as it's rarely required)

    -It has Home, which presents a unique, new console experience to interact with fellow players. It gives you a way to find other like-minded gamers. This is a neutral zone, however, because the novelty of Home BETA faded very quickly. Granted, it's beta, but they may have missed with this one. It is, however, not a CON simply because it's an optional feature, so it's not like it hurts.

    And there you have it. Honestly, I think the first deciding factor ALWAYS comes down to what games you want from your exclusives. I got the Wii because I wanted Twilight Princess, and the PS3 because I was addicted to Warhawk. However, if you find yourself as more of a Gears of War or Halo guy, maybe you should get another 360. Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, or Warhawk more of your thing? Get a PS3

    If you like any other shooter: guess what, they're almost always multiplatform. Do you love sports games? They're also multiplatform (I WILL admit that they are slightly better on the 360, but the difference itself is not a console decider).

    Second factor is gaming partners. It's much more entertaining to game with people you know, regardless of how the console performs.

    For me it simply came down to the fact that I was unwilling to pay for online play, though I do have a great deal of respect for how good Live is.

    As far as criticisms you've reported:

    -Dim game selection was a problem at the very beginning of the Playstation 3's life-cycle. However, at the end of two years it's shaped up. Library isn't as wide as Microsoft's, but it has a quality lineup. In fact, looking at :

    I notice that we nearly have a 2:1 advantage of PS3 games over 360 games in the top 50 rated games (granted, only one source).

    -Game developers don't use the console's true potential simply because most game developers shoot for multiplatforming their games. What does that mean? That developers don't take advantage of the processing power of the PS3 because they still want the games playable on the 360. It's not a bash on the 360, but rather explaining that it's simply the easy business decision. If people are to take advantage of the PS3's hardware power it won't be until the later half of this console generation.

    -Is it going to take over the industry? Heck no, at least not in this forseeable future. Biggest flop? HARDLY! It's a beast of a machine. Its misguided, slow start did indeed hurt it indefinitely, but the console is still selling nonetheless. It's a powerful, versatile machine with potential yet to be discovered.
  • Pros: good graphics, best system for racing games, mgs4, blu r a y

    cons: rated worst controller ever, 360 has much better games, 360 is better with sports games, loading takes longer than 360, ps2 got better ratings than ps3, 360 is better than ps3.

    my advise get another 360 when you get a rrod your just doing something wrong with it. take better care next time
  • people say a con would be that its expensive, but if you add to the xbox everything the ps3 comes with then its cheaper. another con is its harder for developers to create games for it so game releases take longer.

    pros- 3d gaming coming out this year. bluray, dvd, and divx playback. all controllers are wireless. doesnt get the red ring of death or overheat. games are on bluray so they can have 50gb of data instead of the 9 the xbox has. you can change which controller is which number instead of xbox auto assigning all controllers. free online play.
  • Pros: Free, good online play, great game selection (the Xbox 360 has more games, though not necessarily better games), tons of free, extra features, everything is built in, wireless, rechargeable controllers, everything.

    It plays everything, DVDs, Blu-ray, CDs, MP3s, basically everything except HD-DVDs.


    Home is boring as crap.

    No cross-game chat

    That's it. Pros far outweigh the cons.

    Dude cheese is f**king awesome.
  • just check out killzone 2. i have read many reviews on this game and they all more or less say that this is the the first game to truley show what the ps3 is capable of.
  • pros- good graphics/ good race games

  • I"ll compare the 360 to the PS3 briefly-

    Only the PS3 has the ability to go on internet. I am the proud owner of both systems and the Wii and I'm telling you that this system is better! Here's some reasons why...

    The Xbox 360 actually runs on the same hardware as the Playstation 2. This is the truth. Theres updated graphics, but that's all. It's the truth. The PS3 runs on 16 motors, how many does the 360 and PS2 run on? 1. That's it. 1. It's a great system, and I love my xbox 360 but the PS3 is sooooo much better, in sooooo many ways. First of all the Playstation 3 has Blu-ray disk capability, which means movies in high definition! It also plays regular DVD's. The online for the Playsation 3 is FREE too! The xbox's cost 60 bucks a year, and while this is not a lot, it is 60 buck's that could be used for better purposes. Also, unless you'r xbox 360 would sit near you'r router (a wireless device located near a computer) then you would have to pay 100 buck's to get a wireless adaptor (this let's you go on xbox live, download demo's, chat with friends and more). The Playstation 3 has a wireless adapter built in! So, in the end with both of those exspences, the PS3 is the same price as the 360, but way better! As for games the PS3 wins again. The PS3 has more exclusives then any other console! This is not a lie! Watch Sony's E3 conference, or do you'r research! It has the Ratchet and Clank series, Metal Gear Solid 4, Unchated, Resistance, Motorstorm, and sooo much more. These are both great systems but the PS3 is better then the 360, and with the prices of the wireless adaptor and the 60 bucks a year membership then it's cheaper to go with the PS3 too, and it's better. Now more people do have 360's, but over 500 million have PS3, so you'r not alone. Both are good consoles, but only the PS3 is great.


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Call of Duty 5 World at War

    Little Big Planet

    Fallout 3

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Motor Storm

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Dead Space

    Assassins Creed

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Saints Row 2


    Far Cry 2

    Killzone 2 (out feb. 2009)

    Resident Evil 5 (out mar. 2009)

    inFAMOUS (out may 2009)

    God Of War 3 (out sometime 2009)

    When you are bored with the system you can play playstation HOME it's an online social world where you interact with other people, bowl, and ect., it helps you meet some really cool people! Also, use the system for Blu-Ray, It looks great!

    On a final note I will discuss the HUGE problem with the xbox 360, that is the Red Rings of Death. Over one third of xbox 360's break within the first month of usage. I have had 8 xbox 360's in the last year! That is rediculus. It costs an additional 150 bucks to repair the console and you have to ship it to Texas which costs like $30. It is rediculus. The PS3 has a margine of only 3% breaks in the first month. Now you may think that this won't happen to you... you are wrong! So wrong! In total over 60% of xbox 360 owners have experienced harware failure. I really hope you have listened to my argument that the PS3 is better, because when you are one of the 60% of owners who expirience hardware failure, you will realize what could have been. Get the Playstation 3 and you won't be sorry. The PS3 has a free year of warranty and the 360 has none for free. The PS3 has a .02 failure rate! That's it!

    My argument-

    My honest opinion? Okay fine. I own every current system. Now I know you said not to compare it to anything else but I only told you this so you know I can tell you the truth. The Playstation 3 is... The best console on the market. The only downside of this amazingly smooth ride is price but let me break it down for you.

    Design- The design is slick it has a touch screen power button so it turns on with a touch. It is very durible! I have dropped it 3 times bringing it to my cousins. It looks and feels right. Not to mention it plays Bu-Ray disks. This is High def movies. Blu-Ray players are $250 at the minimum.

    Feel- Out of all consoles the controller feels the best here. It is simply put "Right". It runs on the six axis engine so in some games you can turn the controller to balance. I really like this feel.

    Games- The library of games for this system is growing like a majik bean stalk. It has so many exclusives. More then any system already! Many great exclusives include: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Resistance 1 and 2, Grand Taurismo, God of War III and Little Big Planet. The titles keep growing and so does the system. Many other third party multiplatform games are also on this system. Like Call of Duty World at War, Madden 09, Prince of Persia, Grand Theft Auto 4, and Burnout Paridise.

    Get the PS3

    Here's some info on the PS3-

    I own every current system. Now I know you said not to compare it to anything else but I only told you this so you know I can tell you the truth. The Play
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