Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Which Playstation 3 Model should I purchase?

May be...
  • Hello everyone! I am getting a playstation 3 soon and I need help deciding which one to buy. I was thinking of getting the latest 80 gigabyte model or the refurbished 60 gigabyte model. I don't care about space so it doesn't really matter how much is on it. What I do care about is the backwards compatibility with ps2 games. With some more research I found out that both models have different Possessors. What is the difference between the possessors? All I know is that the 60 gig architecture is set up more like a ps2 so it can play ps2 games the best (that is if what I read is correct). Also there seem to be people talking about slowdown issues and other situations when playing. Can anyone shed light on my problem? I've never had a ps2 before yet there are a lot of games on the ps2 that I want to play so I figured I could get a ps3 that could play both. I don't know much and I need an expert too help me. Can anyone lend a helping hand?
  • Well, if you are willing to buy the PS3 that plays PS2 games, then I would suggest you get the 60GB.

    First, let me just give you information before I give you my suggestions:

    There are 6 different models for the PS3.

    -20GB - discontinued (not in stores anymore) and plays PS2 games.

    -40GB - same as the last one, but doesn't play PS2 games.

    -60GB - same as first one, but more space.

    -OLD 80GB - same as first one, but more space.

    These are the models that are currently in stores:

    -NEW 80GB - Doesn't play PS2 games

    -160GB - Doesn't play PS2 games, but currently the model that has the most space

    You should know that the ones that play PS2 games have 4 USB slots, and the ones that DON'T play PS2 games have 2 USB slots.

    So, if you are willing to get a PS3 that plays the PS2 games, then you are only able to find it online, and it is probably gonna be used, even though sometimes people just buy it and sell it before they even opened it.

    Now, you might think that there is something wrong in here, because the newer models are supposed to be better. The reason Sony stopped the older models is because when they were backwards compatible, they were very expensive, and they already lost money, so they just took the emulator out and dropped the prices.

    So, what I recommend the least, is the 40GB, because it has less space, and no backwards compatability. I would recommend either the new 80GB, or the old 60GB, which you have to buy online.

    I hope I helped you, and if you need any help just click on my profile, and feel free to email me, and I will answer you.
  • Only 3 models of the PS3 can play PS2 games and they have all been discontinued.

    So the best system for PS2 is 60GB, the other 2 are 20GB and (discontinued/old) 80GB system.
  • Since you've never had a ps2 id get the 60GB. The only difference is the 60GB uses more electricity.
  • 80 it is the only one with backwards compatibility
  • 60 all day long m8
  • If it's really important that it plays the ps2 games go w/ a 60mb It has the guts of A PS2 inside of it... But I must say there are getting harder to find and are getting more costly. Also I have a 60 (because i wanted to play ps2 games after my ps2 took a dump on me) and i haven't touched any of my ps2 games in over a year... the new games blow the old ones out of the water, and after playing the new games the old ones are just plane "out of date"

    It was like playing a NINTENDO NES game "the Original" compared to a N64... its just not the same anymore...

    The only 3 games from a ps2 that even got put into the ps3 that ive had for 2 yrs now where Madden 07, GTA San Andras, And THUG2. This was before PS3 had put out many games.
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