Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why cant my 80gb playstation 3 play any of my playstation 2 games? is there anything i can do? Help! ?

May be...
  • im so angry adn frustrated. none of my ps2 games can be played on my ps3(80GB) im so heated! i tried tomb rader anniversary, tomb raider legend, SSX 3, Bloodrayne 2 among others. this thing pops up saying my playstiation is not compatible or not capable of playing any ps2 software or what not. I just got this PS3 like 2 months ago. i would have figured that almost after 2 years sony would have updated there playstation 3 systems to be compatible with ps2 games. is there anything i can do to be able to play my ps2 games. do they sell any type of harddrive or something to help me fix this. IM SO ANGRY!!!!GRR! 0_0"
  • The only models that play PS2 games are:

    20GB-Discontinued, all PS2 games

    60GB-Discontinued, all PS2 games

    Old 80GB-Discontinued, 80% of PS2 games

    The following DO NOT:


    New 80GB-in stores

    160GB-in stores

    All PS3's play PSone games.

    An easy way to tell if a PS3 will play PS2 games

    4USB ports=YES

    2USB ports=NO

    The reason is that the cost of putting the PS2 chip

    and the PS2 graphics card in the PS3 was VERY expensive,

    and as the PS2 only has about a year left (before it is

    discontinued), Sony saw no reason to lose even more

    money than they already are losing on the PS3, and

    hence there is no backwards compatibility on PS3's today.
  • Lol.... Does your PS3 have 2 USB slots? I think so...

    If it does, then you should know that the PS3 does NOT play ps2 games... Only the old 80GB, the 60GB, and the 20GB can play PS2 games.... They all have 4 USB slots too... and they are not in stores anymore....

    The models that don't play PS2 games are:

    Your kind(the new 80GB) - 2 USB slots

    The 160GB - 2 USB slots

    The 40GB - 2 USB slots - not for sale anymore
  • No. It seems you have one of the newer 80gb models, which DO NOT play ps2 games at all. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to make it play ps2 games. You're best bet would be to just trade it for a refurbished 60gb.
  • You have the new 80GB, they don't play PS2 games.
  • nobut a ps1 will fit in a ps2 but nothing will work with ps3

    SORRY!!! hope this will help
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