Sunday, February 15, 2009

Are they still making new games for PS2?

May be...
  • or did it just die out and they only sell used games.

    i cant really afford a PS3 and my parents arent gona buy me one since they just bought me a new camera and hp photo printer.
  • yes. they are still making PS2 games. there is a list of at least 10 more games coming out this year. it looks like Madden 10 and Tiger Woods 10 may just be the last 2. they are coming out in August, and we're not showing anything beyond that, at least not now.
  • Yes they still make games for it... just not really big games like gears of war GTA 4 and Mirrors Edge... things like that...but games like NBA and Madden still come out and thay have made GH:WT for it recently... I don't think the ps2 will be gone for at least 3 more years
  • I think they have stopped making them.. I know they have for gamecube games.. it's pretty sad.

    I guess you can always get a job and save up for a PS3, they are pretty expensive though.
  • they didn't stop making them just slowed down on exclusives for it but they still are making games on it not as much though but you should try Star Wars the Fe Unleashed its the most recent ok game for it off the top of my head
  • yea guitar hero, madden 09, movie based games (which suck) yakuza 2,all kinds of new games, yakuza 2 is for the ps2 only.
  • Ps2 is quickly becoming more obsolete.

    If you don't save up for ps3/xbox 360 you are going to be left out.
  • i think only madden because they have madden 09 for ps2 and i do not see any other games maybe baseball and basketball games but just the sport games are new
  • there still making them a little bit but they should end it this year.
  • Yes, but it's like getting less new games that are coming out for the PS2.
  • no they haven't my dad just bought 1 not 2 long ago it came out for both ps2 and ps3
  • they still make some games for it like madden 09 or guitar hero world tour very few games but some
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