Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi has anyone played "Flower" video game?

May be...
  • Hi when I saw the Flower thriller for the first time, I though it was boring mickey mouse video game. I read some feedbacks & it had a positive feedbacks & it is only $9.99. Has anyone played it? Thanks.
  • I have. I like the game, very much. It is a type of game that you can sit and relax. There is no health bars or timers. You can probably go through all the levels in a couple of hours. There is re-playability as I noticed that after "beating" the game, there were quite a few Trophies that I did not get. The use of the SIXAXIS is excellent. If you have played the game Flow, then you will have a better idea of what kind of game it is.
  • I bought it. You can play through it in about 2-3 hours and then another 1 or so if you want to get all the hidden petals. I think i have about 6 hours on it and have 85% of the trophies. Its a really fun game and its really soothing. Its one of those unique games that is just fun to say look at this. It worth the 10$. unless you are the kinda person that think GTA and CoD are the only games that are worth playing.
  • I haven't yet, but it does look nice though
  • no, but it looks cute.

    and it's just 10 bucks.
  • heck, no

    but the name looks cute
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