Friday, February 20, 2009

Is it worth getting a ps3?

May be...
  • I want to sell my xbox to put towards a laptop or pc. But i've heard that you can do lots of stuff on a ps3. So much so it's almost like a computer. Is to worth having for computer use? Games are about 4th on my list of priorities.
  • yea, if you liked you 360 at all, look at this, it's a comparison on how much better the PS3 is. The PS3 can also be programmed to be a fully functional PC, if you download linux (it's even free!) or you can buy Microsoft Vista or something... But anyways here you go

    For One, the PS3 will last the longest for the next gen consoles that are out now:

    Xbox 360 was made in 2005, they've already made a different version of it (Elite) so soon they'll have the next 360, more likely the 720, probably in 2010-2012 that's not very long 1-3 years of play

    Wii- was poorly designed in 2006. They'll have to make the Wii 2 sometime soon, probably 2010-2012 as well.

    Playstation 3- was made in the same year as the Wii, 2006. Sony designed it though to last for 10 years! Meaning it will still be around and popular in 2016.

    The PS3 amazing. It has better reliability, can be turned into a PC and download Windows XP or Vista, or for free download Linux. For everything that it has, it is much cheaper then the Xbox 360, consider the following.

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blue-Ray player, and one of the best ones out so far. It is also considered new technology. If you don't have Blue-Ray players to start out with when buying the PS3, it also has a DVD upconverter, meaning that you can play normal DVD's with better quality picture.

    -The PS3 also features PSN( the (P)lay(S)tation (N)etwork). It's free to use, and download demo's such as Warhawk, and Home. Unlike Xbox Live, it doesn't cost $80 for the first year bundle, and $50 for each following year.

    -The PS3 has exlusives like no other console, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time)

    -For the money, you get 80GB of space, and only 60GB on the Xbox 360, USB mini drives can also be used from the 2.0 USB ports in the front of the PS3. It also has an easily removable HDD.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser, just like a PC's

    On the Xbox 360's you get a 1 in 3 failure rate. Even though Microsoft knows of this problem, they don't even think about the red rings of death while shipping it out to unsuspecting customers

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console(there will be a $100 decrease in April 2009) $300

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Total: $415

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Xbox Live $80

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $660

    As you can see, the PS3 is cheaper by far and plus, The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So that means much better graphics in the future when they can get a grip on the PS3's power.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look about the same. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    So pretty much, the PS3 wins hands down. It's the best system people have seen yet! The PS3 will also progress in the future, like it's downgraded because it was so good that other people couldn't afford it. So anyways hope I helped!
  • NO!

    If gaming is 4th on priorities and you're planning on a laptop/pc go with the laptop/pc. the PS3 is only for the most hardcore of gamers. You can't do the things on a PS3 that you can do on your PC. I'm pretty sure the PS3 can't print you out a good formatted report on whatever subject you study ;)

    If gaming is your top priority, yeah, a PS3 or either one of the other consoles would serve you very well.
  • Every machine is design for an ultimate use. What do you want to do in the first place?

    Ultimate gaming console: XBOX - The number one rule of enjoying the xbox is the online gaming.

    Ultimate MMO gaming: PC - Try Warhammer or WOW and you will never eat, sleep, go out of house.

    Ultimate mobility: LAPTOP/Smartphones/iPhone

    Ultimate party gaming in a house: Wii

    Ultimate blue-ray player: PS3 (cheapest in the market)

    It's like comparing apples and oranges. It really depends on what you want to get out of what you buy.

    a computer can do tons more than a ps3. A ps3 only has processing power. You can do work on a ps3. If you just want a console for the next 10 years, sure get a ps3, but you can do tons with a pc. And if you already dont have another pc then you wont be able to do anything. That means you wont be able to connect online or do anything, but play games.

    If you can mod consoles then it would be ok to get a ps3, but in that case, you should rather get a pc, Because once you mod you void the warranty and if it breaks.... you've lost a bit of money...
  • ps3 can do lots of stuff like going online,play music and dvds and downloading games, but a laptop or computer can do much more and has faster hardware.

    so i would say if you want to play games buy the ps3 but if you want to do other stuff buy a laptop
  • Yes, the PS3 Has an internet browser, has free online play, you can access your email and play top notch games. It is the closest thing to a computer that a games console has ever been. Excellent value for money
  • If you get a keyboard and mouse for your ps3 then ya, I'd say it's worth it. I have a ps3 and it's fantastic... I use it for movies, games, internet and talking to people
  • well the only downside is the ps3 cant play PC games.

    other then that it can act as a computer,i recommend ubuntu as the operating system.
  • duh. computer beats every gaming console
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