Saturday, February 14, 2009

Playstation 3 sound problems?

May be...
  • Ok i am using a Audio Input Connector / SCART / AV MULTI for my PS3 and my mom's maid was cleaning (i'm not spoiled i swear) and maybe she knocked something loose but theres no sound, the video is working so i checked the 3 colored input thingys and they r all plugged in and i checked the setting and nothing is working... what do i do.... oh yeah i checked the audio on everything and its not working like i checked on guitar hero it wasn't working then i went 2 youtube through my PS3 and that wasn't working... its not the TV because then i went to DirectTV on the same TV and the sound was working so ya please help (i'm not spoiled i'm quite poor lol)
  • Sounds like you did everything that you should have to resolve it.

    You should call Sony for further help. -
  • you should go to you tube or bring it back from the store and get another one or go to best buy and it will fix it for you and you get it back in 2 or 3 days
  • are the three coloured wires plugged in the right places?

    if yes then i dont no do what "the official ps3 expert" said.
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