Thursday, February 12, 2009

Questions regarding playstation 3?

May be...
  • When quitting a game, is it bad to "turn off the system" or should i quit the game first then shut down the system? does this affect the ps3? or the game at all? My fifa 09 freezes all of a sudden for some reason and the disk is completely new? why does it freeze?
  • I generally just go to the "turn off system" option after I'm done playing a game. I suppose to avoid any sort of problems, it is probably better to quit out and then shut down. Do NOT just flip the switch in the back, however. This forces the machine to shut down and if it is saving, it can corrupt the hard drive. I believe when you hit "turn off system", the machine finishes up whatever it happens to be doing prior to actually shutting down.

    As far as the game freezing, it might just be the game. Some games ship with glitches. I know Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is a game that locks up on me fairly often. No real way to stop it. Just save often and start over when it happens.

    Good luck.
  • I think it would be better to quit the game first before you turn off system. I have turned the system off whilst the game was still in the ps3, but, I had quit the game first and nothing bad has happened. long as you quit the game then turn off the ps3 regardless of the disk being in or not - your good :)
  • I haven't quit the game before turning it off since i got my ps3 (July 2007). I've had no problems. all i do is flick the switch at the back of the ps3.
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