Thursday, February 19, 2009

What PS3 game in 2009 are you most looking forward to?

May be...
  • I cant wait for Killzone 2 myself!
  • Resident Evil 5

    Killzone 2

    Street Fighter 4 (already out)

    God Of War 3

    Unchartered 2

    Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

    The Godfather 2

    Madden 2010
  • inFamous.*

    Heavy Rain.*

    God of War III.*

    M.A.G (Massive Action Game - includes 256 players in ONE online match - might not be released this year).*

    Uncharted : Among Thieves.*

    Killzone 2 (a bit confused now, demo disappointed me.)*

    Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2.

    The ones noted with a star is only for the PS3.
  • killzone 2 (most anticipated game of the year)

    call of duty 5 (its not called call of dty 6 because world at war is not a sequel to cod 4 becasue it is set in WWII, so the newest call of duty will be titled call of duty 5)
  • I'm not trying to sound like I hate Killzone 2, but the demo disappointed me, I'm not sure how the game itself is.

    I'm wishing they make a Resistance 3, but if we get to be the chimera that would be sweet.

    BUT it would ruin the fun.
  • If God Of War 3 releases this year, then it will be THE GAME. Killzone 2 is going to be a blast as well. So in order of preference:

    1)God Of war 3

    2)Killzone 2

    3)Uncharted 2


    5)Quantum Theory.
  • 1. Starcraft 2 [I mean, the first one came out in 1997.]

    2. Killzone 2

    3. Uncharted 2

    4. inFamous

    5. MAG

    Starcraft is known as the best RTS game of all time. It's even a major SPORT in Korea lol.
  • God Of War 3

    Killzone 2

    Little Big Planet

    Uncharted: Among Thieves

    Possibly a Warhawk 2

    Possibly a LBP 2, although it wouldn't change all that much :P

    NHL 2010
  • MLB 09 The Show

    Call Of Duty 6

    Killzone 2

    Gran Turismo 5

    FIFA 10

    Madden 10

    Resident Evil 5
  • Yeah i agree with you i also can't wait for Killzone 2 i have played the demo and it blew me away! fantastic game i will be saving my penny's for this game.
  • Killzone 2

    Resident Evil 5

    Uncharted 2

    God of War 3
  • God of War III

    Final Fantasy XVIII

    Madden 2010

    Call of Duty 6 (This on the most)
  • yeah for me Killzone 2 only 8 more days it looks very good i can't wait to play it and as a choice for latter on this year i am excited for Fight Night Round 4
  • God of War 3.

    That has got to be Game of the Year. If it comes out before the end of the year
  • killzone 2

    cod modern warfare 2


    thats all

    ADD ME

  • Uncharted 2:Among Thieves - First game was amazing

    Hitman 5 - Amazing Series
  • resident evil 5

    To the guy below me

    (ratchet and clank, little big planet, reistance fall of man...)
  • God of War 3

    Unchartered 2
  • God of war 3
  • none coz ps3 is a bag of **** and has no exclusive games.. get axbo !
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