Friday, March 13, 2009

COD World @ War. How do those guys sit 30ft in mid air on "The Castle"?

May be...
  • When you are playing on "The Castle" level on-line, there are guys that I have seen go by some statue and then they are instantly up in mid air just floating there picking people off because nobody thinks to look up in mid-air for someone. How do they get up there?
  • it's i glitch the glitch has now been cleared that Wat the update was view weeks go was so now on you can't do it all you did is jump on this barrel jump on the little platform go right to the end press o to crouch then hold x and you will float up high in the sky.
  • i dont know how to do it, and i dont really care, but there is sure to be a certain spot you have to be on or jump on to. ive seen a guy launch up into the air and just sit there, so im sure its out of reach, but somewhere you need to stand or jump
  • It's a glitch.

    They are glitching.
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