Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How many levels has the PS3 game "Little Big Planet" have?

May be...
  • There are like 4-5 chapters and each chapter there are 4-5 little chapters. So about 20. If you unlock extra levels, you can have a total of about 40.
  • Technically, it has millions of levels, if you count all the thousands you can play that people create (which is kind of the point of the game) But if you're talking the pre-made ones, there's around 40 of them.

    Just buy the game, it's amazing.
  • There are 7 stages (24 main story levels) and 2-3 mini levels for each stage. So around 50-60. Plenty of replayability if you want to collect the Trophies. If you go online, there are hundreds of great levels, even ones as good or better than the pre-installed levels!
  • There are like 4-5 chapters and each chapter there are 4-5 little chapters. So about 20. If you unlock extra levels, you can have a total of about 40.
  • Man theres lots.

    In each like main place, theres atleast 3-4 levels inside of them along with challenges you could win along the game.

    So my guess is around like... 40 levels maybe?

    Or under.

    Hopefully im not too off.
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