Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is xbox live the saving grace for Microsoft?

May be...
  • would people put up with failing hardware if it wasn't for Xbox Live?
  • Yeah. Some idiots that Absolutely hate anything other than Xbox, and think that the Wii and PS3 are their blood enemies.

    I know A LOT of people like that. Not kidding.
  • Sigh. Typical fanboy...

    While the RROD's failure rate has often been exxagerated by the community, Microsoft has been fairly consistent with repairs, and while it may take anywhere from seven days to three weeks, it's an efficient repair, and free for anyone who bought it later than March 2006 (at this specific point in time, mind you).

    And let's not put the good ol' PS3 above this either. It has had several BD-drive failures, hardware failures, disc drive failures, etc. and Sony hasn't done anything about that, except charge you $150 if you're out of warranty.
  • Most people wouldn't.

    But it is also the fact that it is cheaper the one time you buy it. But once you add the accessories (most of which the PS3 has out-of-the-box) like wi fi, controller rechargers, online play, bigger hard drive etc.

    Once you add all these things up, the PS3's cost is less than that of the 360.
  • Yes, it's Live.

    And exclusives.

    And backwards compatibility.

    And community.




    A little bit of fanboyism added in that question, eh?
  • Microsoft has lost a ton of money on XBox and 360. So if it were not for Live they would be screwed.
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