Saturday, March 28, 2009

Killzone 2 help!! teleporting boss.?

May be...
  • whats is the boss thats keeps teleporting, what is his name.

    and how do u kill him , gimme a youtube link if can
  • I don't think you can kill him. I don't know for sure because I haven't finished the campaign yet.

    His name is Colonel Radec.
  • Radec.

    It's simple to beat him.

    What I did was jump down to the ground level and walked into the little part where Sev and Rico entered.

    You back into a corner, so when Radec charges are you, you shoot him and then melee him for maybe 2 times.

    Repeat this until your objective changes to 'Kill Radec'.

    Run up to the first floor and grab the VC32 then just give Radec a headshot.

    Be careful because when the objective changes to Kill Radec, Radec will spray an SMG non-stop.

    Or you can YouTube it.

    I used the shotgun when Radec teleports and tries to knife you.

    The SMG, Flamethrower or Grenade Launcher would do fine.
  • Redec
  • His name is Colonel Radec

    Here is the link
  • Name is radec.... it took me a few trys.... just take lots of cover... and save that nade launcher for him....
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