Monday, March 23, 2009

Killzone 2 online is soo short?

May be...
  • this is the first game i ever played online(i never played a game online before)i was playing and i noticed the matches are VERY talking less than 5 it because i am new and i need to rank up or sumthing?or is there a way to increase the time limit?if so how??

    p.s. my PSN is Da_iLLeST_n00b (the o are zeros if u were wondering)
  • The matches online vary in length. It depends on the person who created it to set the length of each objective (ex. Body count, search & retrieve, assassination etc). Matches can go from 5 minutes to 2 hours. If you don't understand, or need more info, email me:
  • it means your entering games that are only that long. if you enter a game that is only body count, chances are it wil only be 5 minutes long. some people like to make them longer (half hour) with more kills needed to win, but not always. go into a game that has all 5 matches set up (body count, search and destroy etc etc.). depending on the set scores, those games last at least half an hour
  • no...your playing single category basically its only capture the flag or whatever...some matches have different scenarios built into instead of playing 1 match leaving and playing another....all matches are built in and you play different scenarios in one game such as CTF then Assassination then King of the hill etc etc
  • It depends on the host of the game. He/she can set the time limit anywhere from 5 min to 120 min. Try to find a game with high ranking players because they usually set their time to be longer. If you cant find a longer game, host your own game.
  • yeha you were playing a 5 minute bodycount they just do that for people to get the 50 wins trophy but go to a full 30min warzone thats long just go to the game where all the circles are filled
  • Killzone 1 matches were pretty long. If you don't like the length, set up your own.
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