Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My ps2's really mesed up plez help!!!?

May be...
  • alright earlier today i bought a game called jak x for my ps2 and I've had a really bad problem with my ps2 see every time it auto saves it won't stop saving!!! now its been saving for at least 2 hours no stop i mean really it should have stoped a really long time ago.... now its not the disk or the mem. card that's the problem the reason why its not the mem. card is because when my neighbor brought his game over he brought his mem. card over and he had the same problem i had and the disk isn't the problem because of the fact that i bought it new when we went over to my neighbors house to play it with his ps2 it worked fine how can i fix it!!!!
  • turn power off and try again =)
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