Monday, March 16, 2009

PlayStation 4 coming out?

May be...
  • did you here PlayStation 4 is coming out on sale 2010?
  • There is no playstation 4 in the works. They haven't even started designing it yet. The only "info" about supposed designs and planned release years are wild rumors made up by malicious people who know there are suckers who will believe them. They say:

    "I heard a Sony exec say at a closed board meeting..." and

    "corporate insiders said this at such-and-such convention" and

    "Kaz Hirai said this and that off the record at a sushi bar"

    They know absolutely NOTHING, and that's all Sony has said about the next generation, that is, nothing. The ps3 is so advanced that it will be the year 2014 at the earliest before anything better can be designed, produced and shipped to retailers. Even if Microsoft makes a new xbox, and Nintendo upgrades their slow, last-gen Wii, the ps3 will still be more powerful because of the Cell engine. And until pc's and consoles can go faster without increasing the number of cores, the ps3 is about the limit of what can be built. Single-core clock rates higher than 4 ghz won't get to consoles before 2014 either. They're not even in pc's yet.

    People know even less about what a new playstation would have, than about when it might be released. Sony said the ps3 is designed to last until 2016, so expect the next console to coexist with it for about 2 years, no more. Again, 2014 is the reasonable estimate. But nobody, including Sony's engineers, has the slightest idea what they could make a new game console out of. The cell engine is a radical way-out technology that still hasn't come into its own. I heard a rumor that the next ps3 will also use a Cell, but if so, that won't be a new generation, just an upgraded ps3. If they take a Cell, and give it a new video card and some other features, they'll be making a ps3-plus, not a ps4. Like the psp 3000 and the DSi.
  • Yea, wasn't believing you anyway. So it ruined what you were trying to do, what you wanted to create a page and claim it was the PS4. Don't worry we would have figured it was fake, the PS3 is too advanced to be worrying about putting out a new one THAT quick. Try doing it was Microsoft's Xbox, they are likely to put out the new system in about a year or two.
  • i hope not cus if they did , it's like if they r saying ps3 is shittttt and then we r just looosers cus we gave em our trust , and i will break my ps3 4 sure and i wont buy any sony stuff anymore cus ps3 is still at the bottom now and the admitted and the game producers is another story and u know wt i mean ,
  • Pfft....don't believe all that crap.

    Sony is almost broke,and PS3 is crippled by Xbox 360's and Wii's might.

    Unless there were 10 more games like Killzone 2,PS4 will come out in 2010.
  • its coming out in this year probably November.if you are going to buy a ps3 now don't cause ps4 is just around the corner. it is only 100 to 150 dollars more
  • which dumbass told u that??

    there will be not right now and not for a time being. the ps3 just came out and they ARE NOT going to destroy its rep. and plus, there an economy crisis happening. sony doesnt want to lose any money right
  • uhhh it might be coming out but theres not really much of a point until they find new ways for better graphicss and stuff,,, xbox 360 and ps3 is like the best they can get for now!
  • Ps4 is coming 2016 0r later
  • oh yea. Ps4. coming out
  • all rite new ******* commin out
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