Saturday, March 21, 2009

What's a good FPS For PS3 Thats Co-Op On/Offline and Has Fun Multiplayer on PSN? -PS3 Game?

May be...
  • Well, I like playing FPS's with my dad but idk what to get.

    Cause i need a game where we can play co-op together and i also want fun multiplayer online so i don't get bored of the game in five seconds. Help please?
  • Killzone 2 is an awesome game but the game DOES NOT HAVE CO-OP. KZ2 is the best FPS on a console, but the problem here is than there is no co-op. If you can ditch co-op, then there is nothing better out there than KZ2-(best graphics ever+ best online..serious package).

    If you insist on co-op, then buy Resistance 2 or COD4 (please don't get COD5 (COD:WAW) cause the game sucks). Resistance 2 will be the best as it has awesome co-op+ 60 player online support. I have played in clans where the numbers exceed over 45 players and the game had no lag!!! AMAZING.

    COD4 is also great. It has the best online, although I prefer Resistance 2 co-op over it.

    If no Co-op is OK, then don't look anywhere, just buy Killzone 2. IT's da best.
  • Call Of Duty 4 & 5 are great You also have Killzone 2, Ressistance1 & 2. I personaly think any 1 of the two Call of Duty games or Killzone 2 are the best and most adictive games out at the moment.

    They are also Co-Op offline as well as online and Killzone 2 allows you to compete against up to 32 players live online at once! and Call of Duty up to 18 players.

    All these games will last for ages and you will not get bored in five seconds let alone five months!
  • okay heres all i can think of for co op FPS that are good

    Resistance Fall of man

    Resistance 2

    Rainbow Six Vegas

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Call of Duty World at War

    Unreal Tournament 3

    and there is one more but not so good i will say it anyway Haze its decent
  • Resistance 2 Resistance 2
  • Call of Duty World at War gives coo-op zombies and missions while the multiplayer experience is awesome.
  • Resistance 2
  • Cal of Duty 5 and RESISTANCE 2
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