Friday, March 27, 2009

What is the differences between the ps3's different gb hardrives?

May be...
  • I wanna buy a ps3 i dont care about the price but i want ps2/ps1 capability, i also want the best version i can get wats the differences between the 60 120 180 gigs?
  • You're kind of screwed if you want backward compatibility with PS2 because Sony stopped making PS3 that are PS2 backward compatible.

    There is no 120 or 180 gb PS3. There is a 120 gb 360.

    The 20, 60, and old 80 gb (came with Motorstorm or Metal Gear Solid 4) PS3 can play PS2 and PSX games. You can tell if a PS3 can play PS2 games just by looking at the number of USB ports in the front. The 20 gb doesn't have any flash drives, but the 60 and old 80 gb has them.

    The 40, new 80 (comes with no games), and 160 gb cannot play PS2 games, but it can play PSX games. These PS3 only have 2 USB ports in the front, and they don't have any flash drives. The 40 gb has been out of production for about half a year now, but the good news is that Sony upgraded the 40 gb hard drive to an 80 gb hard drive.

    The best version that you can get is the 60 gb because it has 4 USB ports, 3 flash drives, and Wi-Fi (something that the 20 gb doesn't have). The 20 and 60 gb has both the PS2's emotion engine and the GPU, so they can play almost all PS2 games. The old 80 gb uses software emulation, so it can play most PS2 games.
  • Well, the 60GB is not in production at the moment, and there is no such thing as the 120GB and 180GB Models. The only two currently in development are the 80GB and the 160GB Models. I would say get the 80GB Model.
  • the 60 gig is viewed as the best system made, because of it's ps2 compatibility. if you aren't worried about that stuff, i'd go for the 160 gig. More space is always good.
  • first off there is no 120 gig and they dont make the 60 gig anymore. i wuld say the 80 gig s the best value for money
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