Thursday, March 26, 2009

Xbox 360 or PS3? I need help deciding what's better.?

May be...
  • I have the money. About 500 dollars. What should i get?
  • PS3.


    Blu-ray, better exclusives, not RROD, HDMI1.3, Better looking, more processing power, good lineup for 2009.


    Killzone 2

    God of War 3


    Gran Turismo

    Ridge Racer

    Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

    Uncharted 2: Among theives

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Resistcance 2

    Massive Action Game

    Metal Gear Solid 4



    Motorstorm: Pacific Rift

    NBA 09



    Halo 3

    gears of war

    Gears of War 2




    Yeah, thats about it...

    Unless you want to play VIva Pinata..


    Plus, you get FREE!!! online service. Watch blu ray movies, use any bluetooth head set. INTERNAL WIRELESS!!!

    But I guess if you get a 360, you can go pay $50 for Halo 3.... The only "decent" game on the 360...
  • PS3

    -one of the best blu ray players on the market if not THE best (blu ray players with the same capabilities as the ps3’s run from 500-600 dollars)

    -free online play

    -rechargeable controllers

    -VERY reliable and durable

    -will have more games than the 360 at the end of 2009 (with bigger and better titles)

    -online play is great

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -game discs are blue ray

    -better graphics card and faster processor than 360

    -only 0.2% defective rate after opened from box

    -won best console of 2008

    -built in free wifi

    -double coated discs that protect it against scratches even from steel wool. (check the video on youtube, its impressive!).


    -larger online community

    -online costs money to use

    -30% defective rate after opened from box (yes, 30!)

    -breaks down and creates the ring of death (scoring of the discs until they arent readable)

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -has HD DVD player (which is obsolete and useless because they only make Blu Ray DVDs, not HD DVDs.)

    -not cheaper than the ps3. wifi adapter is 100 bucks and 1 year of online is 50 ($150 added to any bill)

    Dont waste your time with an xbox they will just break. i have owned both for a long time and the PS3 is by far the better choice. so its 100 dollars more...big deal. you get a larger hard drive and an amazing blu ray player. dont listen to bias people. you will get xbox lovers saying how the ps3 is junk. they are beyond ignorant. they are both amazing but the ps3 triumphs.


    PS3 -

    1. Free Online

    2. Full 1080p resolution

    3. Built In Blu Ray

    4. Cheaper HardDrives to Add

    5. Comes with a USB device to charge your Controller.

    6. Internet Browser


    1. Netflix.

    2. 3 year warranty


    PS3 -

    1. New PS3's can't play PS2 games

    2. 1 year warranty

    3. Cost $150 to fix it if passed your 1 year warranty.

    Xbox360 -

    1. 33% fail rate meaning you can't play it and if you want to fix it you have to send it to microsoft for them to fix it and you will get it back approx. 2 WEEKS and has 33% of it failing again [PS3 has 0.2%]

    2. Pay for online gaming $50 a year

    3. Have to buy many add ons

    4. Buy a recharger for controllers.

    -Antonio Matic
  • If you would like a PURE game machine; go with the 360. 360 dominates the gaming world in FPS, RPG, online gaming and game selection (not so much anymore). If you are a Resident Evil fan, XboX is now offering a bundle deal for the elite model 360 with a 120 gig HD, play and charge controller and Resident Evil 5 included. $400 new as it stands now. Some of the RPG exclusives include: Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Kingdom Under Fire - Circle of Doom, Infinite Undiscovery, Blue Dragon, Spectral Force 3, Apocolypse, Tales of Vesperia,Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Element, Fable 2. FPS exclusives include: *Halo 3*, *Gears of War 1 &2*, Dead Rising, Perfect Dark Zero. Not to mention Rainbow Six Vegas is superior on the 360 in my opinion (have played on both systems). This is not a comlete list of exclusives. Playstation 3 has a good list of games too (not as many noteworthy games). Noteworthy Ps3 exclusives include: MGS4, Resistance 1 & 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet. Not too many more that will blow your mind. 2 more things that make the Ps3 a better buy: Blue Ray disc player, Free online play (not as well maintained). I hope this helped.
  • PS3 is going to last longer so you get more for your money. PS3 is the software master as well they have so many games in so many genres. For example. (These are just the exclusive ones)

    First Person Shooters:

    Killzone 2

    Fall of Man

    Resistance 2

    Third Person Shooters:

    Quantum Theory

    Uncharted Drake's Fortune

    Uncharted Among Theives

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    metal gear online


    MAG: Massive Action Game






    White Knight Chronicle

    Valkrye Chronicles

    Demon's Souls


    Ratchet and Clank Future 1, 2 and 3.

    Little Big Planet

    Hack and Slash:

    God of War 3

    Heavenly Sword

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 and 2.



    Ridge Racer 7

    Grand Turismo 5 Prolouge

    GT 5

    Motorstorm Pacific Rift


    Heavy Rain



    SOCOM Confrontation


    That's just off the top of my head.

    Anyway PS3 is far better.

    If you need help picking out games e-mail me:
  • you should be very smart about this so why not get both you can get a xbox 360 for 200$ now all you need is a 300$ ps3 so heres a cheap ps3 get the first one it costs 327

    now for the 360

    get the first oine under used and that one has a hard drive so if you get it off amazon you get it for cheaper
  • You should get a ps3 because it is a lot cheaper but in the long run it will save you a ton of money compared to the crappy Xbox 360. think about it your paying $50 a year for online and and they break really easily such as the red ring off death. ps3 has free online and and the controller doesn't take batteries like the Xbox 360. it is totally worth it!
  • well from everybody elses answer i wood go with the ps3 because thats what i have and it rocks
  • ps3 is worth it cuz blu ray is gonna take over and they cost the same. Ps3 has amazing picture quality. I have one a highly recommend it.
  • ps3 trust me way better than that crappy xbox crap..i say go with the ps3 if you do get it welcome to the fam....
  • "ask ur heart"

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