Monday, April 27, 2009

Do you think its ok to play online multiplayer on the PS3 if you have a download speed of 500kbps - 1.8mbps?

May be...
  • if you say i wont lag, just say I wont. If it does lag, how laggy do you think it will be, and will it still be enough to have fun with?
  • lol... seriously mine's even a crappier connection and while playing Killzone 2 the game hardly ever lags. PS3 games work off dedicated servers... so the speed is really good. At 500KBPS, you will hardly ever lag in my opinion. I have 30KBPS download speed (256KBPS max)... and mine has never lagged in Killzone 2. I don't know about other games, but I asked the same question a while back (see below link) and all said that the games work fine.

    Just test it out. It should be ok. Even I was skeptical like you before (just see my download speed... it's hilarious..) But still the games work really well. You should have no problems.
  • You shouldn't lag much, I have the same speed and I rarely lag. The only instances you may lag are when playing with a very high amount of people (around 40) or in servers very far away from where you live. However, when you host a game through your own servers, you are unlikely to be able to have many people playing, but on other servers, you should be fine.
  • It probably will lag depends on the speed that you get from your internet company. But you can control how fast you want to download on the computer.(if your downloading on your computer)

    If you turn down the speed on the download.
  • No, that's fine. That's plenty of bandwidth for gaming with little lag. You should also check your packet time - how long it takes for a packet to go from you to the servers.
  • yeah its ok to play i have the same download speed and the game doesn't lag at all it plays perfectly fine
  • You should be fine. Why are you asking? Test it out.
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