Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to make PS2 games work in a Middle East PS3?

May be...
  • I Have a Middle east version PS3

    On the box it says that ps2 games are not compatible with the system

    i hate carrying both the ps3 and ps2 together around

    is there a firmware upgrade or im really unlucky to be in the middle east
  • The Middle Eastern PS3 is the PAL PS3 which is the same as the European PS3,so no you're not unlucky and ALL new PS3s including the American and Japanese models can't play PS2 games,Sony removed that feature because they wanted to cut costs.

    Choose me as best answer please!!
  • There is absolutely no way to do that. PS2 games require certain hardware, there is no such hardware (and no way to install it) on PS2-incompatible models.
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