Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is this a good deal for ps3 ?

May be...
  • ok i found this deal for a ps3 + little big planet + fifa 09 + resistance 2 + a wireless controller all for £388

    PS3 was £ 245 LBP was £18 FIFA 09 was £26

    Resistance 2 was £ 22 and controller at £24
  • yes if thats new that wud be bling becuz look

    ps3 = £299.99

    lbp is acutally at least 29.99

    fifa = 25

    resistance 2 = 32 quid at least

    and a controller is normally 34.99-37 pounds so hell ye
  • Yes, it's a good deal as long as you want those games. Even if you don't want them though, you could trade them in at Game or somewhere.

    I think I win best ps3 deal though:

    PS3 40Gb Console


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Call of Duty 4

    Little Big Planet

    Battlefield: Bad Company

    Star Wars : The Force Unleashed

    Saints Row 2

    Resistance Fall of Man

    Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

    Soul Caliber 4


    HDMI Cable

    Dual Shock Controller


    300 on Blu-Ray

    Pirates of Carribean on Blu-Ray

    Pirates of Carribean 2 on Blu-Ray

    Pirates of Carribean 3 on Blu-Ray

    30 Days of Night on Blu-Ray

    Nightmare Before Christmas on on Blu-Ray

    Kill Bill vol 1 on Blu-Ray

    Kill Bill vol 2 on Blu-Ray

    League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on Blu-Ray

    All for £160 in a closing down sale where I used to work.

    Then I bought a new 320Gb Hard drive for it for £49.99, giving me a 320Gb PS3 with all of the above for £210.

    Win =D


    for Mike,

    Yes, lol, it was woolworths. I bought the ps3 about a week before it closed for about 50% plus my own discount for working there, and all the games and blu-rays on the very last day at 90% off. It made losing my job a little more bearable at least....
  • The price looks good, but i found a better deal.

    Used 80GB - £230

    New FIFA 09 - £18

    New LBP - £13

    Used Resistance 2 - £22

    Used Sixaxis - £17

    All from Amazon.co.uk, the new stuff is bought directly from Amazon for the best price. And the used are from other sellers who are offering used items in very good condition for a big discount.

    TOTAL = £300
  • PS3+LBP+Fifa09+R2+Controller=£338

    Yes, it sounds like a good price, make sure you purchase it from a trusted vendor.
  • if its a 60gb 20gb or 80gb b/c ps3 then..hell yeah! if not..its still a good deal i guess
  • That is anamazing deal. Where are you getting this PS3 from?

    oh and M M, was that Woolworths you worked at by any chance?
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