Saturday, April 4, 2009

PlayStation Network Question?

May be...
  • My brother and I each have a different account on 1 PS3. If my brother buys a game off of PSN on his account, can I play it on my account and still get trophies too?
  • Yes u can, when I bought Cuboid from ps store on my account, my sister was able to play it on her account and unlock her own trophies.
  • i Dont believe so, if they are 2 totally different accounts online, it doesnt work, i tried logging into my friends psn account and downloading some of his games he bought, you can download them, but you cant play them, it rejects you when you try.

    However im not sure if that applies to games like P.A.I.N (which is a very funny and great game)

    While im at it, might i suggest picking up 3 on 3 NHL arcade? its so much fun if your into nhl games, best game on the psn in my opinion
  • of course
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