Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ps3 button at the back of the controller?

May be...
  • If I hold this button down for 10 seconds andthen put on my Ps3, will all my saved data be deleted? Im experiencing a problem with the hard disk, should I try this?
  • first of all, i have no idea what button you're talking about lol BUT, i GUARANTEE you that whatever button you press will NOT delete your data!

    i wish i could help you more-so pertaining to your actual problem >.>, but i hope the above helps :)
  • I know what your talking about i heard that if you hold down the ps button for 10 secs or more it acts like a master reset and clears your data. if your experiencing HDD problems i think you should try it.
  • Wat? There isnt a button on the back of the PS3 Controller.
  • um that button only resets ur ps3 controller
  • maybe he meant the back of the console.
  • what are you even talking about? You're making me hurt.
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