Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ps3 Game Recommendations (Best Graphics & Gameplay)?

May be...
  • Gameplay)?


    I am going to buy a Playstation 3 and i am thinking of what games to buy. I have managed to narrow down my 5 favourite and i would like you to select the 2 best out of this list by graphics and gameplay also could you give me a rating for each game for graphics and gameplay e.g Fifa 09- Graphics 8/10 Gameplay 8/10

    Heres the list

    Gran Turismo 5

    Burnout Paradise

    Need For Speed: Undercover

    Need For Speed: Pro Street

    Thank You!
  • they were all awful games
  • http://answeringonly.allnight.n

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  • Burnout is a must buy... Get the ultimate box version. It is the best racing game till date. The other game you must buy is GT5 (note it's only a demo... the full game will be released late this year or early next).. but the demo is bigger than most games out in the market!!!

    I hate the other 2. Trust me... both suck in front of the above 2. Fifa 09 is awesome if you are a football fan. The 2 NFS games are a disgrace to the NFS title. Seriously if the guys don't know how to make a game then they should scrap the series.

    Burnout: Gameplay-9.5 Graphics- 9 (the crashes in slo-mo simply looks awesome... and the destruction in open world is great)

    GT5-Prologue:Gameplay-9.0 (cause the cars show no damage) Graphics- 10 (it's a demo, but GT series games are known to have awesome graphics and realistic gameplay... When the game comes out, it will be the best racing game)

    Fifa 09: Gameplay-9 Graphics-9 (solid football game.. must buy if you are a Fifa fan)

    NFS:UC Gameplay-7 Graphics-5 (ugly!!!)

    NFS:PS Gameplay- (-infinity) Graphics- 4 (even more uglier... the game doesn't even feature cop chases which is a hallmark of NFS... Stay away from this one if you are smart)

    I would suggest getting Burnout: Ultimate Box and Fifa (just to add a little difference as GT5 will also be a racing game). Buy GT5 when the actual game comes out.

    EDIT: Oh.. I have considered Fifa09 in the list as well as you have mentioned only 4 games.... If no Fifa, then get GT5.
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