Saturday, April 4, 2009

What do you think about installing Linux on PS3?

May be...
  • I personally have installed Yellow Dog and found out that its extremely slow and there are hardware limitations. I my self think its a total waste of time installing Linux on your ps3, but what do you think? Is there any reason at all why you would install it? Please let me know

    Thank you
  • The limitations were mainly put there by Sony. The worst are locking out the graphics chip and leaving only 256mb of RAM for the OtherOS. It's fast xddram, but computer OS's aren't designed to take advantage of fast ram.

    Yellow Dog takes up way too much hard drive space. It's wiser to use a smaller distribution. You won't get any support from Yellow Dog either, their OS is made for scientists who buy it, if you don't buy one of their mini-supercomputers, they won't help you much.

    If you use a smaller distro you'll be less likely to see it lag from multiple applications. I've used ubuntu since 2007 and it works real good. When my pc has broken down it has been a good backup. it's at

    What I use ps3 linux for is things like: downloading stuff from youtube; transcoding video; opening a remote desktop on my pc and taking video of pc games; and of course web browsing because Firefox works better than the mini-browser on the XMB. Transcoding video too. And a few games, mostly 2d stuff, there aren't many because the ps3 has a powerpc architecture. But Quake 2 works really well on ps3 linux.

    Those are good reasons why to install, and besides, if you're a real hacker, you don't need any real reason to install an OS on a hardware, other than it can be done.

    I would install linux on the old guy across the street's lawnmower, if it could be done. Then I would use a remote desktop to remote-control his lawnmower and drive him nuts
  • It is not worth the instal for me because i already have a desktop and a laptop so there is no reason for me to installing linux on the ps3 since i only use it for games and blu ray
  • As of right now, its not worth the install. I will only install, if its worth it but seeing how sony locked the cell, its useless.
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