Sunday, April 19, 2009

What do you think of OnLive?

May be...
  • In case you don't know --
  • One question.... Not every one has a zippy fast net connection... so how the hell is one suppose to wait for a 8-10GB game being downloaded?

    Some PS3 games like MGS4 and Killzone 2 measure over 40GB in size... might take an entire week in my current connection to download such games.

    Also, if it's like youtube (buffering ..i.e playing while it's being downloaded...), the it's going to fail miserably as the lag will be unbearable.

    The thing has great potential, but it's just here before time. Maybe the next gen consoles will implement such a technology... but I still stand by the fact that internet speeds still isn't that robust and consistent.

    What happens if one is playing and the net connection disconnects?

    One would probably lose the entire game (if it's buffering)...

    Also, another fact why the thing is going to fail is the fact that at the end of the year (when it's supposed to be released), PS3 and 360 would have collectively sold over 60 million consoles... so, looking at the current economic situation, I hardly doubt 60 million users will migrate to Onlive just to play a few extra PC games (like Crysis).

    Finally the last nail in the coffin would be the price. Again speculations, but, I don't think Onlive will be cheap. Even if it is cheaper than the Wii, games are another factor. Current PS3 and 360 games are around 55-60$. So if Onlive gives out the same games at the same price, then who in the world would like to buy it? I would much rather prefer a hardcopy of a game which plays everytime I pop it in.

    Onlive is great in theory. But it is flanked by unpredictable elements. It's too late in this gen console war.... I might have to eat my words if it turns out to be a success, but still it's highly unlikely.
  • I feel it will fill it's pupose in the market. Right now if you do not have money you either have no system or an old one. So it is there to help low income families around the world be able to play the great games we play. It will help out game developers, by being able to send there product straight to market instead of having to make CD's first. I do not feel it will replace the box or the PS because it WILL lag. They say it won't but it will. I'm sure it won't be huge or anything, but the hardcores will not put up with that. Also people of my generation (the atari, neo geo, NES people) grew up with a console. I enjoy having my PS there and all it's functionality. ALso I'm the kind of guy who when he plays tekken with my friends in my house I (on ps2) used a wired cord instead of wireless because I didn't want any possible lag there, so I have a feeling a lot of people are like this too. And they will not stand for a lag in the middle of a campaign, story mode, single player game. I feel OnLive will be a huge it in poorer and third world countries. There is no may someone in Etheopia will be able to afford a PS3 (some may but most won't) but they can afford a $100 dollar or so system. With a minimal subscription fee. As I said I think it will find it's niche in the market as the wii,ps,and box did. I just do not want to see my PS console disappear. I like saving my disc's and stuff, so I hope it doesn't do to good. lol
  • I think it's going to be a big waste of money. Here's why I think it will fail:

    1. There have been companies that tried online game delivery, and it failed.

    2. What's going to happen to your games if OnLive fails? Games are not going to be cheap. What if it costs 50 bucks per game. When OnLive goes bye-bye, that's going to be quite costly.

    3. With ISP limiting bandwidth use, it's going to be costly if a gamer overuses his bandwidth limit.
  • sounds cool but i bet its gonna be lagging like crazy for the first year, but if it included games from all the consoles then i would probably get it just for the 360 games
  • Looks like something worth checking out ! Games on demand might be something we'll move towards for all gaming consoles in near future if the pricing is right.
  • seems like a good idea but I don't think internet connections are fast enough for some games yet.
  • When it gets some good exclusives I might think about considering looking into buying it.
  • Meh.

    Have a look at Playstation Cloud.

    A similar thing.
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