Friday, April 17, 2009

Where is the best place to buy a PS3?

May be...
  • Anyone?
  • if USA Best Buy- you will be able to exchange if for a new one if under warranty easier and they have an AWESOME extended warranty for 99 dollars more!

    When I bought my 60G it was 5 days before the price drop. I did not know it was scheduled for a price drop so I called em up and they said bring in your receipt. THEY REFUNDED ME THE DIFFERENCE NO QUESTIONS ASKED! And not on a gift card!

    To the user below- they did not try to sell me ANYTHING when I bought my ps3. they did not say buy this cable, buy this remote- nothing.

    And I don't know what taxes u r talking about. I paid my reg 6% sales tax, no other taxes. You must have a crappy Best Buy cause the one here is AWESOME. Never had any problems with the products I have bought. Never had people try and sell me exp or crap extra's. Never had to return a product. I have been buying from them since 1997 and had a credit card with them for a while also.
  • The website often offers the SonyStyle Visa card. You sign up for that and get 150$ cash back after 8 weeks when spending more than 300$ in a purchase, i.e. you sing up for the card (instant online approval) and immediately buy the PS3 there and a few weeks later you get your 150$. You can pay off the card the same day you bought the item, the purchase is what counts. Once transcation is settled and money back is accomplished you just shut down the card or keep it dormant in case you lose your job after not showing up in the AM from your late night gaming splurges.

    Alternatively I recommend You get superb support if there ever is an issue that Sony would not settle, they have the carrying power to stay alive and you pay most taxes is most states.

    I'd stay away from Bestbuy etc as the taxes are horrendous and they will try and hard-sell crappy cheap HDMI cables to unsuspecting buyers for 70$.
  • costco!

    they come in bundles

    and when it becomes outdated or broken they will give you a full refund even without a recipt no matter what....but you have to be a member.

    it is a great store though so yeah
  • Depends where you live, UK or USA?
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