Friday, April 24, 2009

Which is better xbox360 or ps3?

May be...
  • Xbox has a a larger game library with exclusives like Halo, dead or alive, and Gears of War, plus more downloadable content, Exclusive game add-ons, and is cheaper. Plus you can watch Netflix movies instantly with Xbox live.


    The PS3 has exclusive titles like Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War, and heavenly sword. Also, it has a far more powerful graphics processor.

    I have both, but I haven't touched my PS3 sice I beat MGS4 and I play my 360 everyday.

    So I say, if you have to choose, go with the Xbox360.
  • The PS3 has one of the best Blu-Rays on the market. It is also the cheapest one.

    Xbox 360 breaks down really fast, and it has a poor hard drive. You can never trust that system.

    I have a friend who bought a brand new Xbox 360 and after an hour of playing, he got the Red Ring of Death - and he had the Jasper Chip!!!
  • Xbox 360 is great. If you care about blu ray movies (I don't,) then check out the PS3.

    I was thinking about a PS3, but now I'm getting an Xbox 360 Elite.

    I know many have had problems about RROD with their Xbox, but I owned a 20GB Xbox (No HDMI,) and the only time I saw RROD was when there was a surge in the power in my house.
  • Ps3

    ps3 offers free online

    wifi (u need adapter which costs $59.99 for xbox live)

    good games out now like resistance 2,little big planet and way more

    blu ray

    removable hard drive which you can replace with a much bigger one.

    lots of space for movies,demos,games or anything really

    lasts up to like 14 years if kept in good condition (xbox will burn your house into ashes even if looked after)
  • xbox 360 if you are into halo and good quality awesome games. ps3 if you are into like more of the mortal combat and amazing graphics

    xbox360=awesome games

    ps3=awesome graphics

    unless you have a 52" hd tv..i would go with the 360 definately
  • PS3 or Gatorade
  • Xbox360. More people play it online, and it is cheaper to buy, although you have to pay for online.
  • 4 words...Red Ring Of Death!!!

    PS3 hands down!!!
  • Play world of warcraft
  • Whoever has an xbox says xbox whoever has a ps3 says ps3, i have ps3 sooooo.....PS3!
  • I used to be a fan of xbox but it turns out to be that ps3 rules!
  • ps3. the xbox360 over heats to much and then you cant use it until it cools down
  • xBox...but it'll come down to what kind of games you like to play.
  • Oh my God.

    Just get whatever ******* console you want. Jesus Christ..
  • ps3
  • xbox 360
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