Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who thinks the Playstation Magazine should include more Posters?

May be...
  • I have a 2-year subscription and the magazines are really entertaining and im always eager to get the new one each month but I have only gotten 1 poster out of 6 magazines. Do most gaming magazines give out a free poster with each magazine?? just wondering because when i was a kid i subscribed to the DragonBall Z magazines and they always came with free posters.
  • I think they should okay i have had the magazine since it first started and i only remember getting a Bioshock, Mercenaries 2, GTA 4, and midnight club poster so they do need more i think it would be better to have a new one every 2 magazines but you know PSM the original one use to have more they just stopped doing it and i think some more letters to thje editor should be added too because those are good well some of them
  • Most gaming magazines these days don't come with posters anymore.

    I don't have an explanation for this, as if you have a poster of a PS3 in your room and you don't have one you could stare at it all day and think "Hmm... I better get a PS3."

    So it's basically like advertising their stock.

    The Official Nintendo Magazine handed out a calendar with Nintendo characters and pictures for their first issue but haven't had any posters or anything since they were published.
  • I do not think PTOM (PlayStation: The Official Magazine) should have more posters. I think PTOM should have more content to read and more reviews on games. When I buy a magazine (I have had a subscription since day one of PSM (PlayStation Magazine), what PTOM used to be), I buy it to find out about games and other stuff my PlayStation equipment (PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP) can do. If I wanted a poster, I would go and buy a poster.

    Girls and posters are put into magazines to get them to sell when on the newsstand, they are not put in there for those of us that have subscriptions. And Sony has an interest in PTOM, but Sony does not own PTOM. Sony can't dictate to PTOM to put stuff in to get people thinking about buying PlayStation stuff. The magazine must adhere to certain guidelines Sony has set, or the magazine loses the "Official" status and doesn't get inside information.

    Truthfully, I think PSM was better because I was given reviews without caring what Sony thought, and I was given ways to do things with the PS2, PS3, and PSP that Sony didn't want happening (for example, downloading custom apps for the PSP). Sony gave Future Publishing a lot of money to change PSM to PTOM when the original OPM (Official US PlayStation Magazine) went belly up. That's what happens when you have the best magazine (PSM) and you outsell everyone 3 to 1.
  • id prefer to have more content than posters!
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