Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can you use cover, or blind fire in CD4? playstation 3?

May be...
  • Can you use cover, or blind fire in CD4? like the rainbow 6 vegas 2 game? Like the player wont move from the cover till you move out from it. or is it "what you see is what you get"
  • no you can't yeah it makes it more fast paced action with CoD4, rainbow six is a tactical game
  • you can actullay blind fire, like if you are behind a wall, as long as you are on "deep impact" perk as bullets will go thru a wall. make sure you more or less know which direction and angle to fire. use the map.
  • No , you can't
  • Are you serious????

    No...... no you cannot........
  • No, sorry.
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