Monday, May 25, 2009

How to make your Playstation 3 last as long as possible?

May be...
  • Hey, I will probably be picking up a Playstation 3 sometime next month and I was looking for ways of maintaining the Playstation 3 so it last long. I know with the xbox 360 it can heat up frequently but the Playstation 3 can stay much cooler right?

    Also I read you might want to clean dust out of the console with compressed air. Is this safe?

    Again, from reading I learned that some people have trouble reading discs after a period of time because the lens could be dirty. How would you clean the lense safely? Would you just use compressed air and spary into the disc drive?
  • Yup, the PS3 will stay alot more cooler. It has about 3 fans. Two that suck the air and one at the back that blows it out.

    NEVER use compressed air. This is something I have never tried and might result in something bad. Instead, use a vacuum cleaner to clean the fans. I have tried this and this does work. Sony recommend the vacuum cleaner option in their manual.

    When you are not using your PS3, cover it with a cloth. You might also want to clean it using a soft micro-fibre cloth!

    When the PS3 first came out, it was prone to having Blu Ray drive failures where it wouldn't read the disk or had trouble reading them. Sony updated the Blu Ray drives which fixed the fault. They also added a cool new drive feature which looks like this:

    But if you ever want to clean the lense on the Blu Ray, you will have to open the PS3 itself, but I dont recommend doing that - you need to be out of warrenty before you try it.

    Again, NEVER use compressed air directly into the Disc Drive. Something might get ruined in there and instead of saving money, you'll be giving it to Sony to repair.
  • ps3 has like no technical problems, especially the newer versions...and especially compared to 360

    the older versions (like 20, 60gb) used to overheat often and they would just freeze...

    the newer versions (like 80,160gb) you can play for like forever and it won't overheat... (i've left it on overnight several times and its barely even gets warm)

    only thing at all is make sure to grab discs by the edges, blu-ray discs are a bit more sensitive than dvds

    i don't think you'll have problems with dirty lenses, but consider wiping it if it gets too dusty
  • the best solution to dust problem is prevention. when your PS3 is on, dust will not make it's way inside as the air blows out of the PS3. SO, when it's off, make sure to cover it with any cotton cloth to prevent dust from entering the vents of your PS3.

    Also, make sure that there is a healthy air circulation around it. My PS3 is standing vertically behind my HDTV. There is plenty of room there for air circulation but I still have a 4" desk fan beside the PS3 to blow away hot air around it. for almost a year now, my PS3 didn't have a single problem.
  • To make your Playstation last as long as possible, comply with the following steps:

    1. feed twice daily.

    2. Give it regular pats tot show it you love it.

    3. Never get angry with it, or it might hate you.

    4. Don't feed after midnight or something terrible will happen.
  • If you want to see detailed information on it visit these sites:
  • if you just leave it there, in a cool place and you clean its vents by wiping the dust from the sides every now and then, itll be fine
  • How long ur going to play
  • Only used compressed air from a distance.

    Think of it like washing a bike with a pressure washer, to close on the bearings and you screw stuff up.

    wipe your mouth, and blow the dust out is the best option. If you live in a dusty place, but the ps3 in a cupboard after use, so it doesn't collect dust.

    Its true consoles heat up, however with the cooling systems you can play for as many hours as you like. Just don't leave the console on over night.

    They are designed to be used by kids remember, just be respectful and it will last you the time until you see fit for an upgrade.
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