Sunday, May 24, 2009

I accidentally set my PS3 on fire because I thought it was a candle. What should I do!?

May be...
  • Oh yeah, I recommended you to put your PS3 into a bucket of urine to recover your crayons.

    In this case, to save your PS3 from the fire, this time, stick up your anal. The rectum will slowly absorb the flame and your prostate will recover all burnt parts of your PS3.
  • You:Yeah i need a new ps3, it went on fire.

    Sony: Dam what happened did the processor go on fire again.

    You:emmm, no i thought it was a candle so i set it on fire.

    Sony:What are you ******** stupid, you dumb **********, its retards like you that make this job i living ******* nightmare(hangs up).

    You: What was his problem.
  • buy another one and get a sharpie marker and write "not a candle do not light" on it. and then make the old one into an actual candle and set them side by side. then lock up your torch and leave it alone when you're drunk/high.
  • Is this a trick question? Like wtf? How do you get to think a PS3 is a candle? *sigh*

    Fire Extinguisher, Warranty, warranty will re-supply you with a new PS3.
  • I think you should Set your house on fire and ask a Question on Yahoo Answers Saying this:

    "I accidentally set my House on fire because I thought it was a candle. What should I do!?"
  • Do a rain dance!

    guys don't take him seriously. He obviously didn't... He picks the most creative answer.
  • put the fire out, call some friends, and LAUGH. nice one dude.
  • ROFLMFAO!!!!

  • Well might as well post another Question about how much smart you are.
  • I have to admit this one was pretty funny i have to give you a star.
  • youre retarded! set your butt on fire and see if its a candle!
  • Lol, one of the funniest question ...
  • I think this dhudes having a laugh!! Joke question! :-)
  • wear glasses
  • Throw a steak on it.
  • well if its still on fire i'd put it out.... then throw it away and buy a new one
  • um go to a mental hospital.... how did you think your ps3 was a candle?
  • When are you going to stop?
  • poop and pea on it that is what makes my fires go out lol
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