Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just got a PS3 (WOOT WOOT) now what ?

May be...
  • I just got a PS3 for my b-day from my friends and they gave me a gift card but what game should i get i have been playing 360 for sooooo long i don't know any PS3 games any ideas guys i don't care what it is give me a list of your top five and favorite out of it or just a game
  • Congrats on getting a PS3!!!

    These are the games that I recommend:

    Killzone 2.......Shooter

    - Best looking console game ever.

    - Most realistic war game ever.

    - Graphics and Sound: Top of the line

    - 32 Player Multiplayer with 7 different Classes (All are unique)

    - Almost zero lag in Multiplayer

    - Pretty good single-player campaign

    - Best Intro Video ever

    - Awesome Animations (such as they die usually in different styles, helmets can be blown off, they are blasted away when grenades go off)

    - Amazing and Addicting Multiplayer!!!

    - My 3rd Favourite game

    Metal Gear Solid 4......Stealth/Action......3rd person shooter

    - One of the best graphics

    - One of the best GAMES ever

    - Sensational and long single player

    - Packaged with Online portion: Metal Gear Online

    - Online is pretty good: upto 16 players

    - My Favourite Game

    - Presentation beats most Hollywood movies.

    - Solid & Diverse Gameplay: complete stealth or total action or a mix of both

    Uncharted 1 & 2 (2 comes out in October 2009)......Best Franchise for PS3, IMO

    - 3rd person shooters

    - Awesome & Beautiful Summer blockbusters

    - Amazing single player experience........2nd comes along with multiplayer

    - One of the best voice acting

    - One of the best games this gen

    - Uncharted 2 looks to take over Graphics crown upon release, 1st one is still considered to have one of the best graphics

    - My 2nd Favourite game (Uncharted 1)

    Littlebigplanet.......Platforming game.... like mario

    - Pure fun and Awesomeness

    - Best rated PS3 exclusive

    - Can create your own levels & post them online

    - Best for casual gamers and for girlfriends :P

    inFamous (comes along with UNCHARTED 2 MULTIPLAYER BETA....get it from Best Buy)

    - Getting some amazing reviews

    - U can be either totally evil or totally good guy or a mix of both

    - Looks better than GTA4 (for an open world game)

    - Fun, creative & addicting

    Also u can download demos from PS Store to check out some exclusive games like Killzone 2 demo, infamous demo

    Hope this helps =) .......Sorry for being too long
  • residents 2- 60 player online fps and really good online with leveling up perks and accessory's

    little big planet- great game for kicking back and relaxing its a platform like old mario and ssbb

    gta4- its fun you will most likely like it if you liked the others also this one has online

    metal gear solid 4- feel action adventure and steal with great cut scenes

    infamous- free roam in 3rd person chose to be good or bad

    other good games, killzone 2, assassins creed, cod waw, fallout 3, resident evil 5

    hope i helped also thanks congratulations on getting a ps3 i hope you like it i love mine

    if you want to add me heres my psn : dalonghero
  • Killzone 2



    Ratchet and clank future: Tools of destruction

    Uncharted 1, and 2

    Add me

  • any call of duty games

    try exclusives like resistence 1 and 2


    lil big planet (heard it was good)

    PROTOTYPE comes out june 9th its worth getting and loving
  • 1.Killzone 2

    2.Call of Duty:World at War

    3.Call of Duty 4

    That's all I ever played on a PS3. Killzone was the best.
  • call of duty world at war

    call of duty modern warfare

    ufc undisputed 2009

    fifa 2009

    thats about it although i really enjoyed uncharted drakes fortune
  • definitely get any call of duty game you can

  • Infamous, just came out yesterday. It is amazing! Check out the reviews on it.
  • MGS 4



    COD MW

    Killzone 2
  • go and get inFamous it is very good
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