Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ps3 hard to read text, will a hdmi cable make a difference?

May be...
  • I'm having a really really hard time seeing the text in many ps3 games and especially in the playstation store. Yes, I do wear glasses and even then I gotta stand in front of my t.v to see and it's pretty frustrating. I'm not sure if it's my settings that are off or if I need a hdmi cable. Any tips guys?

  • If you are using a Standard Definition TV, then game text is indeed one of the disadvantages of using the PS3 on an SD TV. You can try adjusting the TV's contrast, brightness, etc. This helps sometimes. Any HD connection, let alone HDMI, should sharpen up the text and make it easier to read.

    EDIT: What is the connection being used? If you are using the standard A/V cables, then its still Standard Definition regardless what the TV type is as A/V only broadcasts in 480i, which is the American SD standard. The text can still look like crap. Obviously you aren't using HDMI (which you should be if you have an HD TV). If you're using component, then you should adjust the PS3 display settings or the TV display settings to make things more clear.
  • Yes, if you replace your current av cable with an HDMI cable than you will notice a huge difference in the two. The HDMI cord really brightens up, makes smaller, and clears up your picture. The text becomes smaller and more clear to read. It is a lot thinner and just everything looks, and sounds better with an HDMI cord compared to a standard av cable.

    So yes, the HDMI cord will make a huge difference.

    Hope this helps.

    PSN: dannymartini
  • Yes, a hdmi cable makes a huge difference. I was playing on a regualr tv and couldn't see the print on the cell phone in GTAIV. I bought a hdmi cable because i couldn't take it anymore and as soon as I started playing again the picture was clear.

    I was able to see a lot of small details that I had never noticed before. HDMI cables can be expensive but believe me, it works.
  • It's probably because of the size of your TV?

    Because when I play my PS3 on my big sized TV I can read everything and when I play it on my small TV I cant see jack.

    But yes, definitely, an HDMI cable does a HUGE difference. I recommend getting it off ebay. Its super cheap.

    Good luck =)
  • if you have an HDTV but not using component or HDMI then most likely that is your problem. Get a Cable they are super cheap dont get fooled by expensive ones they all do the same job TRUST ME!!
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