Saturday, May 2, 2009

Should I get a ps3 or a 360?

May be...
  • I am gonna either one of those two but don't know which one is better
  • I would strongly recommend you to get a PS3, since it is a gaming system, plus entertainment.


    First of all, let's start with the price, shall we?

    PlayStation 3:

    The PS3 80GB costs 400$. The PS3 160GB with Uncharted costs 500$.

    Don't even bother getting the 160GB one, since you barely even need the whole 80GB, so the additional 80GB is useless. Plus, you can upgrade your PS3 to 500GB for 110$.

    Xbox 360:

    There are 3 models of Xbox 360's: Arcade, Pro, and Elite.

    The Pro is probably the best buy (out of the 3), since it costs 300$. The arcade is cheap (200$), but it won't be able to handle some games that require a lot of space (and those are usually really good ones, so don't bother getting an arcade).

    Arcade: 256MB

    Pro: 60GB

    Elite: 120GB

    The only thing that the Elite has is more memory, an HDMI cable, and a black color. So that one isn't worth it either. 60GB is PLENTY of memory, unless you're going to be downloading tons and tons of things, games, demos, etc. You can also upgrade the Xbox 360 if you want.

    Current Score: PS3-0 = Xbox 360-0 (price doesn't mean a lot)



    Xbox 360:

    The only Xbox 360 exclusives that are really worth playing, and have good scores, are: Halo 3, Halo Wars, Gears of War 2, and Left 4 Dead, and Ninja Gaiden 2.

    Upcoming games: Halo 3: ODST

    I know that Left 4 Dead is on PC too, but it doesn't come for PS3, so let's just call it an exclusive for now.

    PlayStation 3:

    Exclusives out now: Killzone 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, Motorstorm, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, LittleBIGPlanet, Warhawk, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, SOCOM: Confrontation, Ratchet & Clank: Future, Heavenly Sword.

    Seems like a lot, right? Well just look at the upcoming games.

    Upcoming games: God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5 (complete version), Final Fantasy Versus XIII, M.A.G. (256 players online at the SAME MAP!), Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, inFAMOUS.

    Now I think you can do the math, which one has more and better exclusives?

    Current Score: PS3-1 > Xbox 360-0



    Depends. I think that PS3 has better graphics, some think the Xbox 360 has better graphics, but the real deal is, you have to be REALLY picky to see the difference. Graphics are equal.

    Current Score: PS3-2 > Xbox 360-1



    The PS3 has a free online service, the Xbox 360 online service costs 50$ a year. This may appeal the online fans out there, since it may make you think that the Xbox 360 has a better online. Well, that is not really true. The only thing that you are missing in the PSN (PlayStation Network) is cross voice chat, and more people, but people are not that hard to find. The PSN is getting updates and it's building it's way up to being even better than Xbox LIVE, so you would probably have cross voice chat in update V3.00.

    I personally would never pay for online, since I like playing offline more.

    Current Score: Hmm... Pretty hard to say... One is free, one isn't. One has a BIT more features, and the other will get them in the future. I would let the PS3 win, but I'll let you decide the score for this one. This is a draw. PS3-3 > Xbox 360-2



    PlayStation 3:

    -Blu-ray player, and it is the cheapest Blu-ray on the market (don't worry, it can also play DVD's and CD's). This Blu-ray can do everything a regular Blu-ray can do.

    -Wi-Fi built in

    -More memory

    -Huge exclusives list

    -Web Browser

    -Chargable controller (which comes with a USB cable in the box, so you don't have to buy an additional charger)

    -HDMI 1.3

    -Free online service

    Xbox 360:

    -HD DVD player

    -Netflix (it still costs you money)

    -Xbox LIVE (which costs money, too)

    -Charger that works on batteries (you can buy a charger for additional money, but it wasn't created by MicroSoft, so I would just stick with the Batteries).

    -HDMI 1.2

    Current Score: PS3-4 > Xbox 360-2 (PS3 has more and better features)



    Xbox 360:

    I am pretty sure you know what the RROD (Red Ring of Death) is. If not, I will explain. The RROD is a red ring of light that appears around that little circle with an X on it. When it appears, it means that there is something really bad happenning to your Xbox 360, and in other words, you have to send it for repairs and fixing. The RROD can be caused from: Overheating (this happens all the time to the Xbox 360, so if you are a guy who plays for a LOT of time, you have a better chance of getting the RROD), or maybe the Xbox was hit or knocked over a few times, and all of those kinds of things.

    MicroSoft put a Jasper Chip in the Xbox 360's not long ago, so the ones on stores now have a Jasper Chip. A Japser Chip is a chip that will reduce the chance of you getting the RROD, but it is still always possible that
  • Well first off, neither gaming system is better than one another. It just depends on what you want in a video game system. What kind of games do you want to play, and what kind of other technology do you want you system to be able to support.

    The PS3 is a technology powerhouse but it's multiplayer offline and online for games isn't as good as Xbox's multiplayer. Xbox 360 has a better game selection, however most major game titles are finally coming over to the PS3 so in the furture it could very well have just as good of a game selction as Xbox 360. I would recommend the PS3,just because of it's technology, free online play, internet browser, PlayStation Home, and awesome graphics.

    Go with the PS3.
  • PS3 all the way, it has better games, better graphics, free online, more features, blu-ray and so much more 360 does not have.

    Microsoft said they are going to replace the 360 in 2 years so that would be a big waste of money if you only get two years out of it. Sony said PS3 is going to be around another 7 or 8 years, so you will get more for your money.

    E-mail me if you need help picking out some good PS3 games.
  • Really, PS3 is much much better. Free online play, internet browser, Playstation Home and Store. Amazing titles that are out and are coming out this yeear including; Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, GT 5, Infamous, Little Big Planet, and many many more. Honestly mate, now is the best time to be getting a PS3.
  • ps3 this year has better exclusives

    it has blu ray

    it is reliable

    free online play while you pay 50 pounds a year for 360

    internet browser

    ps3 is the best console on the market obviously though it is more expensive
  • there is no right answer, they both are good you cant go wrong either way. I have both and cant choose a winner. Hope this helps.
  • ps3, but xbox 360 is good if you don't mind it breaking
  • PS3 BRAW
  • Well it really is your own opinion but I would tell you to get the 360. The 360 basicly has the same graphical capabilities as the PS3 although some say PS3 has better graphics. The 360 has the best online multiplayer you will ever get with xbox live. A bad thing about the 360 is that without xbox live membership, your left with an old xbox. If your gonna get the 360 get xbox live membership. The 360 has better games then PS3. Sony tryed making the PS3 a very good multimedia system but got too wound up in it that they forgot about the games. I own both the PS3 and Xbox 360 and like th 360 better. THe only thing I like better in the PS3 than the 360 is the Blu-Ray. I recommend the 360 but if your a multimedia freak then get the PS3.

    BTW: I like the Wii the best.
  • 360. If you wanna play with your friends, everyone has a 360. And besides, IMHO the 360 has better games.
  • Xbox 360! lols

    i think the games are better on it, but thats just my opition

    (if you like violence)
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