Monday, June 22, 2009

If the PS3 doesn't have a good year this year, will it spell disaster for the future ?

May be...
  • Many thought that 2008 was gonna be the year for the PS3 but it didn't quite turn out that way so if 2009 isn't the PS3's breakout year with all the exclusive games that are coming, will it be disastrous for the PS3 !
  • Being an owner of the 60GB bought at launch unlike many PS3 owners, I for the most part have been wholly disappointed with the games thus far.

    It seems that the PS3 has become the defacto FPS console since many of the games so far have been in that genre and while I like FPS games, I also like adventure, action, puzzlers, rpgs, strategy etc and so far those genres haven't had much PS3 exposure.

    The PS2 at its height offered games that appealed to the masses and sadly the PS3 with its steep price and limited library approaching its 3rd anniversary, hasn't lived up to expectations.

    All of the bells and whistles that so many people were touting have now become a non issue as many games simply want to play games and not download music, photos etc.

    Doing away with BC has also alienated millions of PS2 owners who have yet to take the PS3 plunge. Sony has made blunders at every turn regarding the PS3 design, marketing and price.

    If they don't get it together soon, the PS3 will become an overpriced paperweight !
  • I don't know why people keep calling PS3 a disaster? I mean compared to the 360, it's sold more units (3 million to be exact) in the same time frame (3 years... The 360 has sold 7 million more due to 1 more year under it's belt) and that too at nearly twice the 360's base model price.

    Yes the thing isn't an instant hit like a PS2, but it's still fighting for the market.

    And does every year has to be a consoles year to be successful? I mean in terms of sales, non of the year even belong to a 360 cause the Wii has taken a market every year...

    And by the way, seeing the current roster, the exclusives I see coming this year are Uncharted 2,MAG,NGS2,R & C.... GOW3, GT5, Heavy Rain, FF vs 13 all are coming out next year. Sony does a good thing is distributing it's exclusives well.

    PS3 just is lagging behind 7 million consoles to the 360. 7 million is peanuts in the gaming world. Even if PS3 stays in the market for 6 more months than the 360, then too that lead is easily bridgeable. Only thing required is a price cut. Just imagine, at nearly 2 times the price, the PS3 is selling nearly equal amount as the 360... Just imagine what even a 100$ price cut will do to the sales and that too during holiday season.

    Even if the sales lag, then too Sony will never give up support on a PS console unlike the way Nintendo did with the GameCube and Dreamcast.... This is Sony... The company with the largest 3rd party team greater than M$+Nintendo combined. Trust me, give it another year and a price cut and then see.
  • The console itself is great. Great games too. Online service is very good. Technically PS3 beats any other console. PS3 exclusives win by all means, hands down.

    The bad point is Sony's greedy tactics. Instead of investing in PS3's cost reduction - they are going to release a pathetic PSP Go (I can only guess how much money they're spending on this failure, while internet is already full of complaints).

    Sony must think, how they can win in console war. Right now they're losing it (less exclusives, Valve rejects PS3, Activision almost done it too), because of high prices on hardware and software. Look at much weaker and highly unreliable 360 or childish Wii. Sure, hardware is crappy, but M$ and Nintendo invest a lot into exclusives and cost reduction plans. Wii is going to have another price drop soon. If Sony won't reduce prices on games and consoles - I'm VERY afraid, but it can follow Atari's or SEGA's steps. Remember those great consoles (technically they were very good for that time)? Bad marketing and awful PR killed them. Looks like Sony does the same.

    PS3 is great, games are great, but Sony's marketing strategy is simply awful. Sure, Sony had losses, but these are bad times for everyone, look at Sony's rivals - they are doing much better even with technologically inferior products. Sony must fire it's analysts, it looks like Sony CEO hires his relatives and complete idiots to do that job.

    Will we see PS4 and PSP2 if Sony continues to act this greedy and thoughtless?
  • Short answer: No.

    But 2009 & 2010 is looking good.
  • i hope not i just got a ps3
  • Judging from E3 that was held earlier this month, it seems that once again Sony is saying "the big games are coming! next year, that is..."

    God Of War is now slated for 2010, as is Uncharted 2. Gran Turismo will hopefully, FINALLY come out in 2010. I remember when it was a 2007, then 2008, release.

    Final Fantasy XIII (RPG) and XIV (online MMO) are both slated for 2010. XIII will be a multiplatform release outside of Japan, but XIV is PC and PS3 only...for now anyways.

    For 2009, the PS3 has Prototype (PS3 exclusive), Infamous (multiplatform) and a new Ratchet & Clank (I hope...) So it's not quite fair to say the PS3 has nothing for 2009.

    What's a larger concern is that the PS3 is now almost 3 years old, and still costs $400 or $500. Even Activision is now threatening to stop developing for the PS3 unless Sony cuts the price on the PS3 in an attempt to boost sales. Right now, Activision's sales numbers show that they're paying more in licensing fees than they're making back in game sales. That's not good, especially when paired with complaints that the PS3 is just too complicated to program efficiently for. As a result, what games that are released on the PS3 aren't pushing the hardware to its maxium, which then results in releases like Ghostbusters, where the PS3 version is visibly LESS detailed than the 360 version. If you have both consoles, like I do, which would you choose?
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