But it doesn't matter. Didn't Mr Kojima say when mgs4 was released that it would be the last one? That he wouldn't make any more? It's done. There shouldn't be a new mgs on any platform. Not only is it a style of game better suited for older consoles, it still uses the control scheme designed when the ps1 controller had only a d-pad and no analog sticks. Even mgs4, you still couldn't change the controls to make X be select and Circle be backwards. MGS has always done that backwards, and the movement is fairly primitive considering 2-stick control has been available for 10 years now. They never even changed the problem where if you move a direction without standing up first, you crawl around instead. I can't count the times Snake got killed because the enemy went "!" and he either sprawled on the ground by accident, or tried to run but was blocked by some foot-high obstacle, or ran into a higher obstacle and accidentally started sneaking along it in plain sight of the dudes blazing away at him with ak-47's. Not only is Metal Gear Solid an ancient title, it's based on Metal Gear which goes all the way back to the '80's. It's one of the longest-running video game franchises in history.
A headline says EA and Ubisoft are concentrating on "Sports and Sequels" for most of their releases this year. Gee whiz, what a surprise. All they ever release is sequels. No good new games are ever designed because all they do is make new versions of the ones you've already played.
Sure, go on about how you love Metal Gear and how great it is... but you must have done the same when Metal Gear Solid 4 was coming, and where is it now? You've probably finished it within a week, and then what?
I liked the Metal Gear Series but enough is enough. I'm tired of seeing old-school games on the ps3. Even with ps3's hardware potential, the developers don't make anything interesting. The Playstation Eye can basically do the same kind of thing the xbox project natal does, just on a less grandiose scale. Are the games popular? nope. They're just little mini-puzzle games for $5 where you move around to tilt stuff on the screen or move colors. Microsoft will find the PN does a similar belly flop, because developers won't invest in developing anything worthy. Xbox game makers will stick to the 2-stick genres just like ps3 game makers.
These games are done and need to get the hell out of the way so something new and good can sell enough copies to be successful:
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy 13 - when it's finally released.
Gran Turismo. It's maxed out.
Splinter Cell. The series is terrible and should never have had even one sequel.
Killzone. Not a great game, its sequel ran entirely on the reputation of an expo rendered demo. Other than that, a shooter. yip freakin e.
Battlefield: the first 2 battlefields were great. Now they suck.
Medal of Honor: quit milking the Audie Murphy genre EA. Make something real.
Movie Games: Developers who make games based on movies should be ashamed. Only exception is Star Wars Battlefront.
Sonic the Hedgehog: I hope Sonic steals the One Ring that Rules them all by accident with all those other rings, puts it on and gets killed at last by Sauron or Gollum.
Jak and Daxter: a ps2 franchise. They were cute once, not anymore.
Ratchet and Clank: the same thing as Jak and Daxter, just less cute and dumber.
Quake Wars, Quake This, Quake That. Even Unreal Tournament is obsolete. There's now a game called Halo Wars. Arena shooters are finished. It's strategy now. Quake fans have all the tools they need to make Quake games themselves if it's so important.
Ridge Racer: ridge racer 7 was so awful that it's hard to believe there were six previous titles. And drifting is NOT racing. It's a style sport.
Clearly Kojima intended to end Metal Gear at 4, but was pressured by his investors to keep their gravy train going. That's why sequels are made and why they turn to crap. I guarantee you mgs rising will be crap. And I like Metal Gear. It's a shame that they're pushing the series past its time to make a quick buck.
To be honest would Konami keep Sony out the loop when Japans biggest selling console is PSP and PS3 :)
So no MGS:R isn't exclusive :)
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