Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ncaa 08for ps2 campuslegend?

May be...
  • i am playing ncaa 08 and need help on db cover drill

    all tips are acceped
  • 1) Use the strafe button (R1) as you backpedal. This helps you change direction better when the receiver makes his break. Once the receiver breaks, then it is time to let go of strafe and maybe hit the turbo to stay stride for stride with the receiver.

    2) Jumping for the interception is a good way to get beaten. Your timing has to be excellent to out leap the receiver who usually always has perfect timing. You are better off trying to swat the ball down with the L1 button. Yes the INT would be great, but what's better? Giving up a huge play because you missed the pick, or an incomplete pass?

    3) Never overrun the receiver, meaning don't go past his route. Try to stay between him and the ball and if you can, stay as close to his route as possible and then go for the swat ball.

    It is tough, especially when the receiver does a double move route that can really mess you up if you bite on the wrong break.
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