Saturday, June 27, 2009

Playstation 3 ® Upcoming Games 2009 - 2010?

May be...
  • My personal list of upcoming games from June 2009 til March 2010.

    Release Dates Sources:





    * = Must-buy

    ^ = Great

    Upcoming Playstation 3 Games:

    ^ Call of Juraez: Bound in Blood - 23/6, 2009

    Batman: Arkham Asylum - 25/8, 2009

    ^ Afrika - Q3, 2009

    Just Cause 2 - 27/9, 2009

    Red Dead Redemption - 9/10, 2009

    ^ Mafia 2 - 9/10, 2009

    * Modern Warfare 2 - 11/10, 2009

    ^ Bioshock 2 - 30/10, 2009

    Max Payne 3 - 30/10, 2009

    * I Am Alive - 30/10, 2009

    * Assassin's Creed 2 - 17/11, 2009

    * Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 00/11, 2009

    * The Agency - 27/11, 2009

    * This Is Vegas - 30/11, 2009

    * Heavy Rain - 26/3, 2010

    * Final Fantasy XIII - 25/6, 2010

    * God of War 3 - 00/3, 2010

    ^ The Outsider - N/A

    My question(s):

    1. Am I missing anything?

    2. What's your list?

  • Well im not sure if these have released dates yet but:

    Metal Gear Solid: Rising? Isn't that on Ps3 or just xbox 360?

    * Massive Action Game Q3 2009. This is a must buy for me when I get a Ps3.

    *Quantum Theory 2010. - Looks like gears of war.

    * The Last Guardian 2010

    * White Knight Chronicles Q1,2010

    * Fifa 10' - Had to see that coming..

    *The Bigs 2 , July 7

    *Ratchet and Clank Future: A crack in Time Q3-Q4 2009

    *Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince

    * ModNation™ Racers

    I would say Gran Turismo 5 but there is no release date yet. Same with Final Fantasy Versus 13 and Final Fantasy 14.

  • i think you have most of them but there is madden 10 and ncaa football 10. that list would pretty much be my list just about.
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